Osmo on the fritz


Premium Member
Woke up yesterday to the sound of my osmo's alarm going off. The too high light is solid on and the too low light is blinking. Cleaned the sensor. Plugged And unplugged it. Wont stop. I read the manual and it says probable water damage but it sits in a protected spot next to my controller. Any thoughts?
It would be worth while to open it and check it anyway. Basically it is getting a conflicting signal, it is simultaneously being told the water level is too low and too high. I will list all the causes I can think of:

Water damage to the controller

The float is upside down or was inverted on the post (reversing the float on the post reverse the way it functions)

The float is near a magnetic field, if using magnet holder 3155.600, make sure it is properly installed.

The controller is near a magnetic field, keep in mind ballasts, x-10 devices and large pumps can create a magnetic field, even wiring harnesses from these devices can cause issues.

There is some sort of defect, this would be unlikely unless the controller is new as most defects show within a few weeks.
A good way to rule out magnetic interference is to set up the controller in the kitchen or bathroom, making sure the microwave or a TV isn't running near the unit. Then just use a sink or bowl full of water to test sensor function and you can then determine it is not the controller but something near the aquarium.
Roger...the plot thickens.

Now a transformer on my 6055 doesn't work either -- won't light up. Switched the plugs and it's not that. Both were near the ballast. But I've moved both away from the ballast and they still don't work. Is it possible it could have fried it? The controler was a foot away but the transformer was right next to it.

I've had a Galaxy electronic ballast but it died a few weeks back. Shawn loaned me this Bluewave while mine was being repaired and I didn't think anything of just plunking it down where the Galaxy had been. I moved the WMD ballast as far away as possible.

Any thoughts? Are these items fixable or is it more cost effective to replace. Another very expensive lesson learned...
I have the exact same problem with my Tunze. I set up a new tank, everything worked. I came home one day everything off.

The UV light was shot, the tunze had the alarm and blinking, and my controller no longer controls. I was told an electrical surge was possibly the culprit, maybe the same for your situation.
The osmolator should begin working again as soon as the magnetic field is removed. The 6055 power supply likely overheated if it was close to the ballast and may work again once it cools down. They have a safety shut off at 50C. Being close to a ballast likely caused an overheat.
I don't have an answer, please send them in.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753