Osmolator with non-Tunze pump?


Premium Member
I'm wondering if the Osmolator can be used as a sensor in the sump as usual but with a pump from a different manufacturer. Specifically, I would like to control something like a Liter Meter or other pump which can pump kalkwasser from a reservoir into the sump.

Can the Osmolator be used in this way? Is any adaptor necessary and available?

You need adaptor 3150.11 which switches a 120V circuit using the osmolators 9-12V signal. The included pump could be used for kalkwasser, it is just going to have a shortened life but for the price of a litermeter you could buy an osmolator and a half dozen spare pumps. Using the calcium dispenser will eliminate this problem. If the pump does not rest in a slurry of kalk it will likely still last a year or more but of course it will have no warranty. The litermeter is a vary good product and comes with its own sensor system so i would see no real need to have both, use one or the other.