OSRAS 5th Anniversary Reef Aquarium Conference April 23rd, 2017

Hi Everyone!

Raffle items are being delivered daily. I know you don't want to miss out on the great early bird pricing, so here is a list of ticket prices. It's going to be a GREAT raffle!

OSRAS Anniversary Early Bird Special Prices

Attendee Non Member Special
Ends March 1st

1.00.........1 ticket
10.00.......12 tickets
20.00.......25 tickets
30.00.......37 tickets
50.00.......60 tickets
100.00.....130 tickets

OSRAS Supporting Member Special
Ends March 1st

10.00......15 tickets
20.00......33 tickets
30.00......48 tickets
50.00......80 tickets
100.00....165 tickets

These Early Bird specials can be purchased at:http://www.osrasconference2017.com

If you'd like to become a supporting member, it's only 20.00 a year! Just think of all those raffle tickets you could buy, & the extraordinary prizes you could win!
Hi there, long time no see. I was just on the forum and saw the thread about the conference. Congrats on your 5th!
I'd like to offer to help with setup if needed. Unloading, setting up, anything you guys need.

Hey Jumbo! Glad to see ya back. Ill buy you a coral at the conference to help with your new tank!
I'm interested in being a vendor at your swap. I just have a few questions. I've been in the hobby for many years and I sell most of my frags out of my home. Now I'm thinking of branching out but I'm unsure how to go about it. Would I need a permit? Who pays the taxes? Do I charge tax? I'm not familiar with RI law, I'd be coming from New Hampshire.

What would I need to bring? Is water supplied, or do I bring my own? I have so many questions but I'll wait to hear from you.
Hey Jack, Im glad you are interested in being a vendor at the OSRAS conference. Ill send you a vendor pac. To answer a few of your questions.. you must bring enough water with you to setup your tank. If you need water during the day,its free..both RO/DI saltwater and straight RO/DI water for top offs. For your question about the permits, every vendor or exhibitor that is selling or taking orders must have a permit. In RI, permits are cheap so I get and pay for everyone's permit. The sales permits vary in price by state. Ex..RI is $10 per vendor, New York- $65. Florida has different pricing for a resident and out of town vendor. These are good for a year, whereas CT is $100 per vendor and is good for 5 years and NH there is no permit needed(no sales tax). I have seen vendors thrown out at MACNA and paying a fine for no permit. All shows have it written in there vendor pacs for the vendors to be sure and have a permit. So I pay for the permits and at the end of the show I give the vendors a tax form for them to fill out. I keep all the vendor permits at the admission desk. Shoot me a email if you have any other questions. My email is osras1@osrasconference2017.com. We have a vendor cap, so there are only a few more booths left. You can pay by paypal. I send out invoices to all vendors for their files.
This is great, so I don't have to worry about a permit. Thank you for the vendor pac. I'll go over it and get back to you. I plan on bringing the family along to help with setup and manning the table, is that allowed? All my other questions were answered in your email.
Do you have a website?
Hi Jack,
Yes! OSRAS has a website: http://www.osrasconference 2017.com
We also have a club forum: Osras.org Register for free!
I see that your from NH but everyone is welcome to join the forum. Hope to see you there!

Thanks for the info, I did register on the forum. I'm looking forward to the swap, it sounds like fun. I plan on staying at the hotel so if you need help with setup, let me know. We are staying until Monday morning.
The raffle sounds awesome!
Any vendors or sponsors that want their logo or banner on the conference t-shirt have to get in touch with me soon before all the spots are taken...
Thanks for the info, I did register on the forum. I'm looking forward to the swap, it sounds like fun. I plan on staying at the hotel so if you need help with setup, let me know. We are staying until Monday morning.
The raffle sounds awesome!

Thank you for the offer of help. If you are around at midnight the 22nd, I certainly could use your help. There are people lined up to help, but there is a lot to do. Any and all help is appreciated.

You had asked in an earlier post if you could bring family with you, of course you can! Kids under 12 are free also.

Thank you, and again, welcome to the club!
The booths are filling up fast. Like last year , we do have a vendor cap so reserve your booth before they are sold out.