OSRAS 5th Anniversary Reef Aquarium Conference April 23rd, 2017

Hi Kevin,
There aren't actual tickets. When you arrive we will check you in at the desk. You'll receive a goody bag and admission to the show. Bring a cooler for your new corals!
Early Bird Special pricing ends on March 1st, after that admission will be 15.00 at the door.
See you there!
You can bring a copy if you like. I will have copies of all memberships, dinners, admission tickets, raffle tickets bought before the conference, Remember save $5.00 on the admission price and raffle tickets during the early bird special, ending soon. Also if you dont have a supporting OSRAS membership(ONLY $20) special raffle prices for supporting members PLUS supporting members get in free!!
Hi Everyone!

Be sure to pick up the March/April issue of Coral Magazine and look for the OSRAS Ad! Bring the ad to the raffle table at the conference and receive a mystery prize!! One per person please.

Dinner Menu

Dinner Menu

Hi Again,
Since a lot of people have asked about the dinner menu, here it is.
Every year the food has been delicious. Also, every dinner purchase comes with a raffle ticket for the special dinner prize! There is limited seating so buy early.

The OSRAS Conference is held in the grand ballroom of the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Warwick RI, book your rooms early as it fills up fast!

Now here's a prize to get excited over! You could win this Gryphon Bandsaw at the OSRAS Conference Raffle! All it takes is one ticket and you could be the lucky winner!

Does your tank overheat in the summer? We have just what you need! This year we are pleased to offer an Active Aqua Chiller 1/10 HP, retail value 379.95! It only takes one ticket to win!
Sorry can't make it...got $1,000 saved up and headed to the Frag Farmers Market at E.O. Smith High School!!!

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Get the oxygen out hobbyists, after losing your breath at the FFM,a short break then its time to lose your breath at OSRAS! Remember the number 911:bounce3: