OT: 360 or ps3?

Live is a much better organized system, and the saving grace for an otherwise comparatively unimpressive console. The only things that 360 has over the PS3 is the Live community, Marble Blast, and Geometry Wars.

PS3 will get there though. I went through the wikipedia article on it and read at the bottom how everyone said it was pure hardware power, but the software wasn't there yet. That's the whole idea. That's why the 360 had such a huge lead, because 360 developers had a year or more lead time to start developing great games. That's why now, a year after there was a huge surge of great games for the 360, you're starting to see some great PS3 games coming out. Regardless you can count on the PS3s lifetime being more than a year more than the 360. I bet 5 years after the 360. Keep in mind that a lot of people still play only PS2, and they are still releasing great new games for the PS2.

How many people do you know who still play their original Xbox? Or how many have bought a new game for their Xbox? I've still got my PS2 because with optical audio out and 1080i output, I'm happy to play GT4 or watch DVDs on it.
Like I said:


Magic I don't think you'll be upset by either console, but it is a nice decision to have.
No way the ps3 outlasts the xbox by 5 years. Everyone will want whatever Microsoft/Nintendo puts out and stop buying PS3 games/consoles. People want the new best product, especially if it is better than what they have.
that's not to say that they won't continue to make games. Not to start an argument, but what good games have come out for the PS2 recently? I thought it was dead
Just to see what has come out on PS2 recently, I went over to Gamespot to see what they had. Actually to my surprise it seemed pretty active at the PS2 tab. They've got a full list of games with previews and stuff that they seem excited about, including RockBand for PS2 which will be coming out soon. There were a few other interesting sounding games too, like an offroad racing game, and some other anime stuff. I'll be honest, it did surprise me though that they were still releasing more games for PS2, but we really never sit back and appreciate the size of the PS2 market.
I agree with ConcreteReefer.

For Games...... Xbox360
Movies............ ps3

I have a friend that has both and only buys games for the xbox360. Whan he wants to watch a movie he uses the ps3.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12165358#post12165358 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
Just to see what has come out on PS2 recently, I went over to Gamespot to see what they had. Actually to my surprise it seemed pretty active at the PS2 tab. They've got a full list of games with previews and stuff that they seem excited about, including RockBand for PS2 which will be coming out soon. There were a few other interesting sounding games too, like an offroad racing game, and some other anime stuff. I'll be honest, it did surprise me though that they were still releasing more games for PS2, but we really never sit back and appreciate the size of the PS2 market.

+1 The PS2 market is still very viable. Indeed, Sony continues to sell a ton of PS2 hardware.

I don't know about anyone else, but when I buy a $400+ console, I want it to be powerful AND reliable. AND I don't want to have to buy yet another $400+ console in a few years. I've been a gamer all of my life and this is the first gaming generation that I have not owned every console.

I don't own the 360 (despite owning the original xbox) because I refuse to pay for a console with a 33% or more failure rate, so bad that Microsoft--after denying the problem for a year--finally had to extend the warranty for LAUNCH consoles to 3 years due to the RRoD issue. I have friends that are on their THIRD 360 because of this issue.

Thanks but no thanks, Microsoft can use someone else to beta test their products.
just bought the last 80gb. ps3 that any of the targets near me has...i know i know the 160gb is coming out in a couple months...but i don't want to wait a couple months!

no sleep for me tonight!
I highly doubt you'll need more than 80gb in the near future, and even then, with the PS3, you're freely welcome to upgrade your HDD at any time to any laptop harddrive, easily available on the internet or in stores.

What games did you get? What type are you looking for? What have you enjoyed playing in the past? Let us point you in the right direction!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12179991#post12179991 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
I highly doubt you'll need more than 80gb in the near future, and even then, with the PS3, you're freely welcome to upgrade your HDD at any time to any laptop harddrive, easily available on the internet or in stores.

What games did you get? What type are you looking for? What have you enjoyed playing in the past? Let us point you in the right direction!

Hey Eric,

My PS3 has a 60gig drive. I can get my hands on large 2.5" (laptop) drives, and I know to replace it wouldn't be difficult but how does one re-load the PS3 OS/software when the HDD is replaced?

I think it's all in the firmware, that it's not hot-swappable, but it's like the OS is loaded into firmware, and then the HDD is mostly just for storage. I believe you can copy all your savegames and other data to a USB drive, then swap the drives, it'll format it to the PS3 format, and that should be it. You can get a 320gb 5400rpm off newegg, or a 200gb 7200rpm and stick it in there. I believe that the games I've been playing don't use the harddrive much, but now that I think about it, the load times have been impressivly quick recently, so maybe they do use the space.

I don't know why you would want a bigger HDD though, short of using the PS3 as a media server/living room HTPC type deal, which you can certainly do. I still don't use HTPC because I've got my PS3, and I don't download media here because I can't while I'm at school.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12181640#post12181640 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
I think it's all in the firmware, I believe that the games I've been playing don't use the harddrive much, but now that I think about it, the load times have been impressivly quick recently, so maybe they do use the space.

Ok that makes perfect sense, since the larger the HDD the less the PS3 will have to cache to it hence faster load times.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12181640#post12181640 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
I don't know why you would want a bigger HDD though, short of using the PS3 as a media server/living room HTPC type deal, which you can certainly do.

Exactly, my PS3 has become my homes media center filled with pics and family videos which my wife loves to use over her PC.

Thanks dude

A guide for installing a new HDD.

I'm doing research right now on what games support a keyboard and mouse. Bridging the console - PC gap... I only have my laptop with me here at school, and while it has a decent video card, it's not upgradable, and it keeps crashing every time I try to run CoD4, which is the best game ever (right now). So I'd like to play COD4 on my PS3 with keyboard and mouse, as it then would be an acceptable temporary solution.

I'm still a die-hard PC gaming fanatic though... I just have limited resources..
SplitFish FragFX

I'm getting desperate.....

It's supposed to work nicely... anyone have any experience? I doubt it :(

I'm almost tempted to try it on principle, and because it's only a bit more than $50..
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12181987#post12181987 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
SplitFish FragFX

I'm getting desperate.....

It's supposed to work nicely... anyone have any experience? I doubt it :(

I'm almost tempted to try it on principle, and because it's only a bit more than $50..

Try doing a search on www.ps3forums.com I recall seeing some user reviews on there. Good luck!
I don't think you will regret your decision on the PS3. My wife bought me one for xmas and despite my friends who own the 360. I am very happy with it. Yes xbox live is way ahead of the PS3 version but it has also been out for longer.

I think the PS3 has so much more to offer than the 360. You can also install a OS on the PS3 if you like, Sony tells you how to upgrade the HD in your PS3. If you have a PSP, you can use it as a controller. Best of all, the bluetooth controllers are awesome. Get a bluetooth or wireless keyboard and mouse and u now have another PC. Every week I find out about features I did not know about on my PS3.

BTW I enjoy playing Warhawk and RB6 Vegas 2. I highly recommend both.
yea about that mouseusing thing.... I've resorted to desperation as is.... I've been playing CoD4 on my roomate's 360 because I'm too cheap to buy it for PS3 since i hate console gaming but REALLY REALLY want to play COD4. and I won't buy it for PS3, because I've already got it for PC but it isn't working on my laptop, only my desktop down in Boca :( :( :(

nivram, don't forget the bluetooth headset comapatability.... For 360 you need one of those ugly wired 360 headsets.. PS3 you can use ANY headset, including the one for your phone. I would have difficulty using mine though, as my bluetooth headset is an old style black hand phone :p