OT- My other geek indulgence


New member
Was just watching WKNO - They were showing documentary on the making of Star Wars - The Live Concert - 100+ pc orchestra + vocals set against a huge HD movie screen showing clips from all 6 movies. Anthony Daniels is supposed to be touring with the show doing narration.
$240 donation gets you into the show May 18 at the FedEx Forum an hour early to check out the accompanying display of props
My b-days the 16th- Gonna have to make strong hints to the spouse about what I want to do....
Classical, Jazz, Blues, Classic Rock, Progressive Rock, World Music and Good New Music all make it to my Speakers!

But it's really hard to top Vivaldi, Collective Soul, Nickelback or The Rippingtons!
I loved the Star Wars movies as well. My 6 year old is facinated by them also. My other *geek* pasion is home theater and the only other forum I frequent is the Klipsch forum where I have been a member since 2001.
My other *geek* pasion is home theater and the only other forum I frequent is the Klipsch forum where I have been a member since 2001.

BIG +1!!!

I'm running the (Not available at Best Buy) "Reference" Series in my HT.

Also, a couple Christmas' ago, I bought Thee Original $pousal Unit the Klpisch ProMedia 2.1 Computer Speaker system for her dual-core i-Mac.

She, of course, thought I was crazy... She said, "Speakers? You bought me... speakers??"

I said, "Oh yes!"

She though I was nuts for doing so, right up until she heard the Sub, blow the drawers out of her Closed Desk! She's been converted and is now a Believer.

I'll never own another brand of speakers in my house, if I can avoid it.
Klipsch Fortes' here for mains. A KLF-C7 center and some KSP-S6s for surrounds. Have had Klipsch since my first HT in 1997 or so. Love them.