Our 210 upgrade is underway!!!

Here are some pics of how things are looking today. :)

210 Full Shot

210 Left Side

210 Center

210 Right Side

45 Clam Tank
It's a Townsend Angel, cross between a Blue and a Queen, and is doing really well.

It thinks zoo's are yummy as well as xenia. :) Was nibbling on a frogspawn and candycane coral too, but doesn't bother the 3 hammers.
After reading your entire thread in one sitting, I have to say that that's a terrific tank you have there! Beautiful work! I picked up quite a few pointers for my 240G from your thread too, if you don't mind.

Check out that recent full tank pic, you can see on the right side of the tank where there's a 'strip' of clean glass where the coralline's scraped off and the rest where the other tank's blocking the way. :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6294552#post6294552 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ereefic
It's a Townsend Angel, cross between a Blue and a Queen, and is doing really well.

It thinks zoo's are yummy as well as xenia. :) Was nibbling on a frogspawn and candycane coral too, but doesn't bother the 3 hammers.

Thanks that is what I thought. But from the pic I could not tell. Nice looking fish! Do you have a close up of him?
our camera stinks at taking clear fish pictures, here is the best one we have


He is a gorgeous fish and to me worth not having certain corals. Hopefully he grows slow enough so we don't have to give him away, as his new home is probably 2 years away.
Figured this would be a nice time for an update. :)

Not long ago, we broke down the clam tank and now just have the 210 by itself. Our SPS tank had some problems a few months ago, so we tore it down expecting to set it up again, but the lower electric bill from not running it was very nice. So we sold that tank off.

We put the 250w halides from the SPS tank and the clam tank on the 210. We moved the clams into the 210, and in order to do that we had to pull the tank apart to get some fish out that would cause problems with the clams. So we found them new homes and all is happy in the 210. :)

We just finished re-aquascaping the tank yesterday, so here are some fresh pics. Tank is a little hazy in the pics yet.

Full Shot



Thanks eidillitih.

Yeah, got rid of the angel. Didn't think that was going to go over too well with the clams. He went to a buddies house down the road with a 210 FOWLR tank. We have visitation rights. :)
On the ends, there are 250w 20k Radiums and in the middle is a 250w 14k Phoenix. There are also 220w of VHO super actinic R.
Great looking tank. In this picture is the dart the only circulatin in the tank?
I have a 210 also drilled almost exacty like yours with a dart on a closed loop and I get no where neer as much surface agitation on my set up.