Sorry everyone for not having any updates- things are going quite well and as soon as I have some good pictures to post I will.
clkwrk- Thanks- it's a never ending process but I don't need to tell you that. We have to come check out all your tanks- I've heard you've had quite a few nice additions lately

. The pictures you post of your tanks are incredible and I can only hope some of our corals do as well as yours.
CTS- Temp fluxuation hasn't been much of a problem so far. As a matter of fact our chiller has been kicking on at least once a day till about 2 weeks ago- now the heaters come on at night but the tank temp has been stababilzed @ 79 degress + or - .75 degrees with the use of the Aquacontroller- I couldn't imagine trying to maintain the temp any other way now.
Jeremy Blaze- The background is coming along quite nicely- we have a Naso tang thay nips at it once in a while but nothing to be concerned about at all. It's starting to get covered in coraline now and I think another month or 2 and it will be completely covered and look even better.
TheCoralReef731- Not too much to update- we've been busy adding fish and coral but mainly frags at this point- we have picked up a few nice colonies recently and I'll try to get some pics up as soon as I can.....Stilll waiting for some better pictures.
Reef Man- Feel free to copy whatever designs or ideas you like- that's one reason I have this thread and I couldn't have done my design without the help and threads from other people here on RC.