gone feral- Putting rocks in the foam while it cures is a great idea. We did that on the 50g we have. It's been up and running for almost 2 years now and the 'built in" rocks look great. Be sure to post when you get done and have some pics.
Corsec- Haven't noticed any problems with fish tearing chuncks out of the foam or anything. We haven't noticed any fish 'grazing' on the foam so I don't think it will be a problem.
TheCoralReef731- I'll be sure to post some pics of the whole tank once I can get a good shot without all the cloudy water. The foam sticks really well to both the pvc structures and the back so I haven't had any problems with floating.
Jimsmowen- No worries, I wish it was done a few months ago

. We have 2 fish now but probably won't transfer the old tank over till the cycle is done. Hopefully we will be able to add new fish by next month. We still have a few things to take care of before we get to that point as well- calcium reactor, phosban reactors, that kind of stuff.
reefjockey- ME EITHER !!! I can't wait to get some livestock in this thing- hopefully next month
TheCoralReef731- Are we good with acrylic? I don't know if I'd say good but we are able to make stuff. We made all the tanks in the sump room including the 130g sump. We did add the sheves for the skimmer and waste bucket as well as a probe holder for the ACIII probes. Basically everything acrylic (except the main display and skimmer) we made- even the calcium reactor.
mikeo1210- The hammerhead is supplying only the skimmer- we also have it supplying the CA reactor but that's only taking a minute trickle. It definately has enough flow! We have a second hammerhead for the sump return. All together we have 2 hammerheads and one dart in the sump room and 2 darts under the display tank on closed loops. I will be sure to post a full review on the skimmer as there are a few things I think people should know about- I'll get that done soon.
I'll try to post some more pics for everyone by the end of the weekend!