Our 375 Gallon project

This has to be one of the sweetest large tanks I've ever seen! Very natural looking! Keep pics updated!!!!!! What livestock do you have in there?
Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. It has come a long way but there is still a long way to go before it's finished.

TheCoralReef731- No- the picture is kind of deceiving and doesn't do the tank justice at all. It really looks like one big arch in the picture but in reality it's only spanning about half the distance- it's just hard to make out the line as it's resting on the foam of the rock structure. It is an arch about 14"x14" but it looks alot bigger in that pic. The other thing it doesn't show is all the 'swim throughs' in the rock and foam- probably because the foam is on the back as well but there are a lot of caves and holes. I just need to get a better camera or a better photographer :D

cali_reef- So far the Barr skimmer is working great- and I don't have many complaints at all. I do run ozone but I wouldn't say full-time, it's controlled by the Aquacontroller. based on ORP.

Tballa- Not a lot of livestock yet- We plan on putting some more fish in this weekend and I'll post some more pics and a list of what livestock we do have. Obviously hard to tell by the fuzzy picstures but there are a lot of SPS frags and corals in there now as well.

I will try and get some better pics in the next few days and thanks again everyone for the compliments.
The tank looks awesome! Is that a 3 dollar wal-mart bubbling scuba guy in there? And if so when do you plan to hook up the bubble action!
Who about shooting some video when you get a chance? That usually helps create a 3-d image vs still photography.
LOL. Actually I think it was about $8...and his name is Scuba Steve :). I haven't figured out a good way to hook up his airline yet. Don't know why but Scuba Steve cracks me up- of course everyone seems to notice him before everything else in the tank- oh well.

Hmm......That would mean I need to buy a new digital camera and a video recorder... I like that idea :). MORE TOYS! I'm actually hoping to get a new camera in the near future and it will probably be one that can take short video clips as well. I think my current Sony might actually be able to so maybe I'll have to fiddle with that to see.
Looks Great Scott and Erin! I gotta get back by to see it since the transfer. I'm glad to see the anemone doing so well. Here is its twin. :D

I had the privilege of seeing this incredible Tank and set up a couple of weeks ago .It's too cool for words. Thanks Scott for taking time to show me your AWESOME REEF !!!!

very very impressive. ive been following this for a couple months and would just want to say how great it has turned out.
Dear Scott and Erin,
Thanks so much for taking the time to document your path. You've done a truly exceptional job.

This tank is all the more exceptional for the combination of DIY and High-end equipment. Many tanks are all DIY or done entirely by pro's, It's encouraging to see such a project done in hybrid style: Doing all you can, and buying the best equipment for the job.

I hope I'm not being rude, but in rough numbers, what did it take to make that system happen in terms of hours and dollars?

Best Regards,
how is the foam doing i saw on another thread that it can break down from UV have you seen this on the other tank?
Thanks again everyone for the compliments. We've been adding fish and coral over the last month and it's starting to look pretty good now. Still waiting for our cabinet making local reefer to build some cabinets to give it the finished look.

Unfortunately it's very hard to show the rock structure nozzles and intakes in person as they are very well hidden and it would be almost impossible to see them in a picture....but then again I guess not seeing them is the idea huh? I'll try and get some shots for ya but the rock structures and the nozzles are either covered in foam or blocked from view by live rock at this point. By all means post some pics of your setup- I'd like to see it.

We definately liked the money saving factor of the DIY and the fact that we know it got done the way we wanted it to- it also allowed us to spend a little extra on nice equipment instead of paying for someone else's labor to build things for us. As for time and monetary costs- well it's been an ongoing project since February- that's when we got the first equipment- of course we planned for a bit longer than that. Dollar wise I've kept a very detailed expense sheet and to our suprise we came in almost exactly on budget- of course our budget only took us to "water with live rock" and we have since spent quite a bit on livestock which I have yet to add up. We also had some things like a new welder, airless paint sprayer and garage air conditioner that while needed for the project were expenses we probably would have incured even without the tank that were also incorporated in the project budget. I'm not one for posting $ figures but lets just say it's a lot less than people guess believe it or not. Of course the project is still not finished and we still have quite a few "final punch list items" to take care of.

Can't say that we've had any problems with the foam- it was in the old tank for over 2 years without any problems. If there was a question or concern about the foam it wouldn't have gone into this tank at all. You have to keep in mind as well that in a matter of weeks-months the foam gets completely covered in life and will pretty much block any UV from getting to the foam. The problems you are reffering to is also with the "great stuff" foam and this is not the same product- it's meant to be in outdoor ponds- not gap filler and insulation.

I still haven't broken down and purchased a new camera yet so I can only post some "not so great" pictures which I will do soon. Maybe one of the other local reefers with a fancy camera could come by and take some good pics for me :)
Very nice work Scott & Erin things are looking awesome and I can't wait to see it full and grown in .

I wish I had the room and a garage to do a bigger system 300+ but I will just have to be content with all my tanks as a substitute.

Keep it up !