Our 375 Gallon project

I was hoping to pick up the powdercoated stand Friday but it was delayed a day due to all the rain we have been having. They said it will be ready for pick up today so I'll be sure to take some pics and post if I get the time this evening.
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I got the stand back from the powdercoater yesterday and set it up last night. The powdercoating job was excellent and is much better than painting in my opinion. Still have a ways to go before the tank gets put on the stand but I'll be sure to post some updated pictures. Here are a few pictures of the progress so far-


I've got the identical sized Tenecor tank...I'll be watching to see how you do things compared to mine. Have fun with it!! :D
Purple Haze- As of now we are planning on 4 250w DE's, once we get that up and working we may add another 250w DE or may supplement with VHO. We currently have 2 250w DE's and a 4 bulb VHO setup so we wanted to use that instead of buying all new lighting but are going to try to get the look we want without any VHO supplementation. We'll see what it looks like with the 4 250's and go from there I think.

mhurley- Are these things massive or what? I could only find one picture of your tank in your gallery- got any other you want to share? I would be curious on how you set yours up as well. Are you happy with it so far?

Not much more progress yet- here is the stand all finished and we are just waiting on our OM 4way and a few other parts before we put the tank on it.

Thanks for the offer to help Dave- I just may need it as it will be fun moving the 470Lb tank into place.

Why is this tank that heavy?? If its acrylic it shouldnt be that heavy. I have a 125 show in my basemet that weighs maybe 75lbs. What size acrylic did you specify for this tank?

It does seem excessive for the size but the whole tank is made from 3/4". It also has 2- 24"x30" 1/2" thick overflows as well. I also asked for a black back and since they don't make (or costs too much) for a 3/4" black piece of acyrlic they put a 3/4" clear back on it and "laminated" a 1/4" thick piece of black to the entire back wall which makes the entire back of the tank 1" thick. When I asked them how much it weighed they said a standard 96"x30"x30" is 468lbs with the covers on it. I don't think that was including the overflows or black back so it's probably closer to 500. I can tell you that I had 4 people to move it and it was quite heavy- 500lbs is probably about right!

you are of course welcome to come help move it when the time comes and find out firsthand! :D
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I'm in to help as long as you pay for Airfare, Pizza, and Beer. I usually only work for Pizza and Beer, but since this is a Long distance thing.....

Looks great, I'm just surprised how heavy that is....

ok this is prolly a stupid question but wont all the waterpressure pushing down on all the holes jsut push back the water taht is being pumped in?
sidewinder770, incredible tank!!

keep us posted and when the day come, if you need help, let me know.


Your stand looks just like the one I had built for my 375. I do like you addition for the lighting. I might borrow your Idea to use on my stand.. :D Keep posting the pics..... Its looking great!!!
I saw the tank and stand today in person, Absolutely HUGE. It is great work, they really planned this out well. I wish I could describe to everyone how sweet this thing looks. I am thinking of moving out of my place and into that room. Till then i will just stare at my 20 gallon really close and pretend it is bigger.

keep us updated, and thanks for picking up my anemone for me today!
Thanks all for the encouragement and the offers to help. I think I may draw the line at airfare but pizza and beer are always a given!:beer:

We're still collecting the various PVC parts, loc-line, pumps and the OM 4way so that will probably be the project for the weekend(probably a bit longer now that I think about all the bags of PVC parts laying around). We also got a dozen cans of black pond spray foam for the back wall of the tank so that will also be done this weekend. We like the way it looks and I'm sure it will turn out good when it's finished- I am just nervous about spraying foam all over the back of my shinny new tank!

Oh yeah- feel free to borrow any of our ideas or designs- you may want to wait till it's done to be sure they work but feel free to use them. We also welcome any ideas or suggestions as RC has been invaluable to us in designing this setup.

Thanks again everyone and I'll post more pics when we get some!

RCman- got some pics you would like to share- I would also be interested in how you set your tank up. How do you like it so far? Any suggestions for me?
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Well here is part of our fun for the weekend (good thing I have Monday off!). This is just the parts for the tank- I haven't got the parts for the sump yet.


Now that I got all the parts.....does anyone know how these things go together??? :rollface:
What diameter of lockline are you using? Have they released their 1" version yet?

BTW that tank is incredible looking. It's definitely one of the nicest tank/stand combo's I've ever seen.
SptfireXIV- No, they are 3/4" lockline - as far as I know they don't have 1" lockline yet.

Here are some pictures of our progress so far this weekend. First is a picture of the black pond foam on the back of the tank (very messy, PITA to get on there, but I think it looks pretty good in the end) It took 12 cans to get the entire back covered.


Here is a picture of the tank on the stand. It took 10 of us to get it from the garage to the stand. Now I get to start working on all the plumbing.
