Our 375 Gallon project

It takes a bit more foam than you expect as well- each can covers about 1.5 sq ft. The foam we used is "handi-foam" black pond foam- there are a few online resellers that sell it.

Just in case you were wondering which was which-

Hi Erin,
I've got to come take a look at this monster!! I really like the black foam idea and wish I would have had more time to aquascape my 210. I only had a matter of days (more like hours) to set-up and transfer everything.
Is the tank at your place or at Scott's? I'm not sure if I've met Scott....
Anyways...the tank is looking incredible and I'll have to come by sometime and take a look, good Luck!! When you're up and running we'll have to do some serious trading, you guys should come by and check out my new tank.

Hey Brian-

You are welcome to come by and take a look at it - I would certainly love to see your new tank too! The tank is at Scott's house in Mesa. Can't wait to do some trading with you, going to have alot of room in that new tank for frags! :D
Could the foam work on a glass tank???? and if so do you have the tank on its side and after you spray it and add the dead rocks what will suport ti when you stand it back up??? I have heard of this before and have a 225 that we are getting ready to set up and would luv to do that . any advice would be much looked for.
what fish- I think it would work just fine on glass. Basically I just turned the tank on its back and sprayed the foam on- it's messy and kind of a pain to work with as it gets very "clingy" (latex gloves are a must !). It dries to the touch in a few minutes and is completely dry within 24hours. You can sculpt it so it's 1/2" thick up to 3 or 4 inches thick. You can apply a second coat for more lumps/bumps after only a few minutes as it will harden enough by then. If you decide to add "real" rock just do it when it's wet and hold it in place for a few minutes so it doesn't fall over. Let it harden up for a day and the rock shouldn't go anywhere. I had planned on adding a few rocks as well but decided to make my own "rocks" by sculpting the foam. It really makes it easy to put "rock shelfs" where you want them and makes it a breeze to stick frags on.

Here is a pic of the plumbing so far. I have the 4 way plumbed as well but don't have any pictures of it yet. I'll get some more pictures this weekend and maybe some of it while it's filling with water and the pumps are running.


Hey Scott, before you fill it you oughtta slide a pre-cut piece of plywood underneath the frame. I did that and just caulked it to the frame for VERY temporary support. It makes a really nice base to put things on, plus you might be able to attach the face plate to it, as well as whatever basin you build underneath the stand.
Good advice for sure and thanks for mentioning it. The plywood in the picture is what's left of the 4' x 8' sheet I had to cut for the piece that will go under the stand. the correct piece was still in the garage drying from it's 3rd coat of paint and I just stuck that under there so I could get a good estimate of what the height would be so I could put the pumps in. I also didn't want to spill pvc primer and cement all over my newly painted piece of plywood :) - I get kind of messy on my pvc joints after inhaling the glue fumes for a while :rollface: - what can I say- I like the smell but it makes you loopy after a while!:hmm4:
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If you are putting the stand on the edges of the wood that will be on the bottom...if its sealed up and water tight you could have a emengcy catch basin if anything sprung a leek. Im thinking of doing that on mine when I build it. I might just weld a thin sheet of steel on the bottom.
This is going to be a truly awsome reef!!

Thank you for posting so many good pictures and details of your project. It really helps a "newbie" like myself.

When you have the time (what's that, right?) Can you post a diagram of your plumbing system? I think I understand most of it, but a basic diagram of the ins and outs would really help. All the bulkhead fittings that you've put in the bottom of your tank I asuume is for the wave motion unit, correct?

Thank you again for the time you've taken to share your project.
Sump? Who needs a sump?

Kiding of course- the sump and all other equipment (sump, fuge, chiller, heaters, CR, Skimmer, RO/DI, Auto top off,etc, etc) will be in a dedicated and seperately cooled/heated "sump room" that will be about 50 feet away. This is one reason why this project will take so long to complete- the "sump room" still has to be built and the plumbing run to it.

Sorry for not keeping this post up to date but things have been pretty hectic lately. I'll see if I can find my plumbing diagram to post. I also have some updated pics I'll try to post later with all the plumbing under the tank complete and also with the 4-way running and filled with tap water for a leak check.
I'm with muskm I am thinking of doing something like this in our new addition and am taking in all the info from all the different setups and trying to figure out what will be right for me. I would like mine to be able to be veiwed from three sides and your plumbing thing looks very interesting.
Not the best shot but here is a pic of the plumbing all hooked up except for the 2- 2" drain lines for the sump which won't be in for a while.