Our 375 Gallon project

Looks great!

Looks great!

Wow, I love the black pond foam on the back. I'll be curious to see how quickly it becomes coraline covered. The stand, tank, and canopy look great all put together!
is this glass or acrylic? what made you decide with your opition?

very cool with the foam stuff!


Everything is looking great!!! Good luck. I think the foam on the back looks awesome!
My wife and I are looking for a new house and she has agreed to let me setup a larger tank if I finance it with the sale of one of my Harley's. Alot of your designs and ideas will be going into mine. Great job so far!!
Thanks everyone for the comments- I've still got a long way to go.

And yes- the tank is acyrlic and was made by Tenecor. The foam looks a lot better in real life. My girlfriends tank has the foam in it currently which is where we got the idea from and it looks just like real rock after a few months- most people can't tell the difference.

Here is a pic of the plumbing install so far. Still waiting for the OM 4-way and hopefully will have that up and running by this weekend.

Big project, but impressive so far none the less. I have also thought about the foam for the next tank, we will see.
Looking really great, do you have a picture of your girlfriends tank setup with the foam?? I would really love to see it :)
Ok, here's an old picture of my tank, not the best but you get the idea of the foam rockwork on the back. Once it gets encrusted with life you really can't tell the difference between it and the live rock.

I have to say though that the foam on Scott's tank is going to look much better than it does on my tank. With the 30" width of the tank we were really able to add some nice lumps/bumps that really make it look real.

We are expecting the Oceansmotions 4 way to be delivered today and I'm sure Scott will be busy plumbing that in tonight. Hopefully he will post some more pictures of the plumbing progress for everyone.

Yeah, it is the same exact black foam that Scott used. Once it gets dusted with sand and corraline, etc grows on it it takes away from that shiney silvery-black appearance as it looks in Scott's tank right now. The picture I posted is really bad, the bulbs had shifted in the tank so the right side looks a little yellow, but the foam is actually black/grey.
Carl_in_Florida said:
Not trying to hijack but the only great stuff that i have seen is yellowish. what is the black stuff?
I'm not sure what they used, but Aquatic Ecosystems sells a black foam designed for water gardens.