Our Mini 425 Ocean

You really do not want to restrict the Dart's 2" inlet. So even if you fed it from a 1 1/2" drain it would be somewhat restricted. You may have to drill the tank or go with an over the top siphon feed, if you can hide it to you liking. You've been creative with your overflow so that should not be too big a challenge :)
Tbone- ..I think I am just going to order a few modded maxijets for now...

Bax that what I was thinking having a feed form over the top. I was just afraid of the 1 1/2 over flow..But you brought up a good point...Down the road I can just drill out the 1 hole in the overflow for a 2 bulkhead to fead the dart...This will definetly be an option down the road..

Sequence pumps aren't self priming BUT once their input is flooded, they WILL suction the water. Just put a pipe up over the top and 180 degree it into the water. Put a T in the pipe, at the top but outside the tank with a cap on it. Unscrew the cap and fill the pipe up with water. When you start the pump, it will establish a siphon out of the tank and the siphon won't ever be broken. After a power failure, it will restart automatically.

The only way the siphon will break is if the end of the pipe that is in your tank is exposed to air.

You'll want to protect the end of the pipe that is in your tank though because it will have a pretty strong suction so use a large screen to keep the fish far away from the end of the pipe.

People with ponds set the Sequence pumps up like this. Check out the installation directions for the pump. They show a configuration like this.
Another option is to put the two pumps inline with each other to increase the flow. You wouldn't need to change the plumbing at all except to add a 2nd pump right after the return from the first pump.

That's another thing Sequence "brags" about with their pump options. I've never tried it but they say it can be done and it almost doubles your flow.
Actually, I'm wrong. Two pumps inline with each other only increases the pressure handled.

If more flow is required than a single pump can produce, consider using two or more
pumps in parallel. This will double the flow. If more pressure is required consider using two
pumps in series (one feeding into the other). This will have the effect of doubling the pressure.
We have found that using two pumps instead of one larger pump uses an average of 30% less

That is from reeflo's tips document:
Thanks guys for the tips...I got the sump swapped out today. Tomorrow I am going to clean the glass 150 and swap out the 75 fuge for the 150. Down the road I will swap the dart for a hammer head and make a manifold. I'll try and get some pics tomorrow.

tbittner - thanks for the link. I am checking out your thread now..
My closed loop is with a Hammerhead right now and it uses a 40mm intake over the top. I have a foot long PVC screen as the intake pipe (so nothing gets sucked in) and have had no problems with start up after power failure once there is water in the line. Works perfectly and no extra holes in the tank. I can take some pictures if you like buts its pretty self explanatory.

Things look great...
thirschmann- Who doesn't love pics..Cool thanks man ..When I get a barracuda or hammer head I will do the same with my dart. I went to by a few moded maxijets like the one I have last night ,and I noticed mine quit working..Time or some tunzes or maybe the barracuda..I just like how quiet is in the house with out any equipment noise. hummm
Maybe the pump will deaden the water falling. I need to extend my over flow pipes.

I got a little work done today. I swapped out the sump today and drained the 75 fuge to replace with the 150. I made a plenum for the new fuge out of left over pvc and egg crate. I have wanted to give it a shoot for a while. Hopefully tomorrow I can get some help and switch the 75 for the 150.





A see these thing spreading what are they hydroids? I think I can see small babies on a power head and under some rocks. What is the best way to remove them?






I also had some hair algae. I slacked on a couple water changes. Does everyone remove it as soon as they see it or let there fish get it if they have it?

those are aiptasia dude. you need to nuke them ASAP.Many ways to get rid of them and none of them worked for me until I got a CBB as a last resort.
They say peppermint shrimp help kill em. Joes Juice, and I think you can put kalk paste on em. You may need to remove the rock for Kalk paste though. The little pineapple sponges on the powerhead are ok though. They say theyre a sign of a healthy tank.
oh mann.... I was hoping not..What other effect do do they have on the tank? What do they feed on? I guess i will be getting a copper band soon and some long tweezers.
I think theyre just ugly. Ive had the same 3 in my tank forever. Theyve never split or anything. Theyre an anemone I think, so they may sting. I really dont know though. Try the peppermint shrimp too.
I put 50+ peppermint shrimp in my tank and they never touched them, and if you think you only have three, you are delusional. Not only do they multiply, but when disturbed they jetison pieces that become new ones.

And they are not just ugly. They can take over a tank in a matter of months and kill your coral. They have a nasty sting. Plugging them up with 2-part epoxy has been reported to work. Joe's Juice never did a thing to mine. They would retract and come back out a week later, as is the case with EVERY aiptasia fix I have tried.

if I just had a couple or so, I would remove the rock and soak them for a couple of weeks in RO/DI. Then place them in a QT and watch for a month.

This is a tough lesson to learn, but I ended up with thousands of them in my tank, some 3 & 4 inches across or larger. I now have a CBB which keeps them entirely under control, and I grow them in my overflow. I have 100% floss filtration on overflow water so they cannot take root in my sumps etc. any more. Then occassionally I place a rock in the overflow so they will attach, then give that rock to the display CBB so it can have a treat.

First things first, run all overflow water through floss or socks immediately, or they will get into every part of your system.
yeah I am a little woos when it come to getting bit or stung buy things. If it was only a few I can live with but I think they are sprouting up everywhere. Maybe I can get lucky tomorrow and find a CB.

Even better news. I got some frags Friday but didn’t realize my star would eat them until to late. I woke up Saturday and saw him eating my across or whatever there called..


