Our Mini 425 Ocean

Dandy7200- DAMm I didn't think about that. Like wet sanding paint.

Bart- Fish room is 12x10 1/2 Where the tank is that entire side of the room is dedicated to fish equipment. The other side will be a big L desk for my office. Sump under the tank about 18 on right for om and pluming returns. On the left about 2 1/2 of shelves for reactors and a QT tank. The water change system will be in the garage.

I got all the drywall put up on the inside with the electrical ran to the roof. One more coat of mud and spray texture and i should be done with drywall. I need to cut a hole in the roof for a coupe vents. The I can finally clean all the dust out of the house. Wife has been extremely cool about it. I have to work this weekend but still want to try and squeeze finishing the wall. I will post some pics soon. I need to work tonight but will try and squeeze some time in.
Eric Wow :) I just found your thread... Great looking Build man :) I will be following along.... You have been in my thread so long I feel like I know you ;)

What are you going to use the Pentair fluidized bed reactor for?

I also had good luck with GC for my Prop tank and refugium needs :)

Of course I use use the AC jr. But I always wish I had just splurged and bought the AC 3 Prolly will switch out before the year ends

Cute Mermaid

Have you decided upon a skimmer yet?
ReefArtist- Thanks I have went through that document a couple times. Marc posted this link about controllers on another thread. Incase everyone hasn’t seen it yet.

Pookstreet- Yeah.. I really am not a fan of drywall and mudding. I finally got it done so I can clean my mess. Hopefully I can pick the speed this week. I have to assist with an install the first part of the week. No matter what I am going to get some foam and get the tank on its stand.

Doctor64776- Hi doc. Thanks..Its funny you talk to me people here and you do feel like you know them…Your thread was a big inspiration so I finally took the plunge. I was not sure if I was going to have a big enough fuge and wanted to take as many precautions to remove nitrates. I want to have my tank with mixed corals and heavy on the fish. I almost ordered the Jr. But decide to wait for the same reason. Being a computer guy I got to have a cool controller. But the same ol saying pimpin aint easy or cheap. HAHAHHAHA I have a moded skimmer from my old tank for now. After I get the tank up I want to DIY a skimmer.

Here are some updates of what I have done so far. I had to help the in-laws and a friend but still squeezed in a little time for the fish room.

I will have some shelves to the left side for the reactors.





Some electric and overhead lights. Home depot had flush mount lights for $10. I picked up a few so I can have some light above the tank lights, and one for the storage.


I needed to pick up some duct work to move my return out of the fish room/ office.


I got the first coat of paint on the wall. Now I can finally clean up all the dust!!!

Nice progress!
Someone suggested the use of a light mover in my thread. I thought maybe you'd consider the option so cut down on electricity and initial equipment cost.
With the paint on it looks really good! Did you have any problems with the old and the new paint no longer matching?
Dudester- Thanks. I love your aquascape.

Dandy7200- Thanks

Thirschman- Thanks. I am going to Home Depot tomorrow to pick up some more wood and the foam for under the tank.

Any of you guys have anything to say about what foam for under the tank? I think I read somewhere to use the pink foam.

Pcostanzo â€"œ I hate dust. I put a plastic cover over my desk but that really didn’t help. I finaly got it all cleaned up.

Cbui2- Yeah it was a real busy weekend. I helped a friend frame and drywall a room. My mudding skills are getting better. I think I’ll keep that on the downlo hehehe I also helped the inlaws make a 10 x 6 ½ stand for his trains. That would be a huge tank. I figured I had to keep it moving, maybe half your speed.hahahah

Danskim- You have any info about the light movers. I thought about adding some solar tubes.

Spleef- Thanks

Token- Good eye with the stand. I will post pics this weekend of it finished. I think I need to make sure my 75 will fit under there. I think I will make my next stand out of metal. I like the room and extra strength.

Michika- If you are talking about the where the new wall meets the existing, the paint matched perfect. I did have a little flashing of the paint on a section. I painted over a section that wasn’t dry and you can see a little flashing. One more coat will make it perfect. I thought I had another gallon. Oh well.. I think I am going to go with a different color in the office. Maybe a Dark Blue, just need to get some ideas how it will match with the wood work which is undetermined at this time. I know what I want in the office down to measurements. I am just not sure what color I want the wood or just use the same stuff they use on famica.