ReefArtist- Thanks I have went through that document a couple times. Marc posted this link about controllers on another thread. Incase everyone hasn’t seen it yet.
Pookstreet- Yeah.. I really am not a fan of drywall and mudding. I finally got it done so I can clean my mess. Hopefully I can pick the speed this week. I have to assist with an install the first part of the week. No matter what I am going to get some foam and get the tank on its stand.
Doctor64776- Hi doc. Thanks..Its funny you talk to me people here and you do feel like you know them…Your thread was a big inspiration so I finally took the plunge. I was not sure if I was going to have a big enough fuge and wanted to take as many precautions to remove nitrates. I want to have my tank with mixed corals and heavy on the fish. I almost ordered the Jr. But decide to wait for the same reason. Being a computer guy I got to have a cool controller. But the same ol saying pimpin aint easy or cheap. HAHAHHAHA I have a moded skimmer from my old tank for now. After I get the tank up I want to DIY a skimmer.
Here are some updates of what I have done so far. I had to help the in-laws and a friend but still squeezed in a little time for the fish room.
I will have some shelves to the left side for the reactors.
Some electric and overhead lights. Home depot had flush mount lights for $10. I picked up a few so I can have some light above the tank lights, and one for the storage.
I needed to pick up some duct work to move my return out of the fish room/ office.
I got the first coat of paint on the wall. Now I can finally clean up all the dust!!!