Outy's 215 build


New member
After 14 years of reefing my tired scratched 100g is just flat overgrown and its time to upgrade so i searched CL for months waiting on the right tank and the right deal. I found Rob's tank and purchased it today.

Rob and his dad helped me load the tank, stand and canopy in my truck and off I went.

So how do you get a 215 stand and canopy out of your truck by yourself! carefully :) thats how!

Here's some pics of the unloading and moving it closer to the house to be cleaned before I move it in.

darkness stopped me from cleaning more and ill continue in the morning.

heres the 100g and all the contents will be moved.

Im only using a gallon or two of the top layer of sand to help seed the new DSB

I really wanted a 180 for the shallower depth so this 215g will have a 8" DSB

My 180 mut have weighed 300 lbs dry, how the h*** did you move a 215 on your own?? Is your name Hulk Hogan or you a ninja or somethin.:crazy1:
I was a water well driller for ten years and part of that is moving 400lb pipes around all day everyday. winches and cables are not always involved .LOL

the old addage, there aint no such word as cant lol only those that dont try hard enough :)

You know I dont think the tank is quite 300lb's Its over 200lb's so sliding it on those two 2x12's wasnt that hard at all. the stand weighed in over 100lb's and that was a pain.
you're insane man. You didn't call for a geek out day for local reefers to help?


Nice that you've got a few grand worth of helicopters sitting there too. I do electric r/c myself. Don't have the patience to learn helicopters tho!
amazing !! my back would be screaming,actually it was just looking at your pictures ! good luck and keep us updated!
it would have sucked waiting for a friend and I would have needed a stout friend. I sure didnt want a friend to fall down the stairs or drop the tank.

then after I moved the tank where it needed to be cleaned i would have had to call him back over to get it in the house the next day.

then called again to get the tank on the stand, this 3rd part so to speak I may get some help.
Ok got my pump tonight, a little Iwaki 55 and my 200 gallons of salt needed to filler up :) Also I painted the back of the stand as it was unpainted. Once it goes in it may be there and unreachable for a long long time.

all It need's now is a little sand [320lbs] and to drill a bulkhead hole in my 50g sump in the basement and ill be ready to do the transfer.

Did I mention this Is a budget build :) here a few hundred pounds of slightly used sand I got from fellow reefcentral members. Goes great with the used tank and used pump :)

im getting plumbing lined up and ive bought all new ro/di filters, a few more trash cans for water storage and im ready for the transfer

Thanks Jeromy and Joel for the sand :)

Had the day off work today so I did quite a bit of plumbing, this included using a dremel with a diamond tipped bit and a squirt bottle to cut the bulkhead hole in my 50g sump. [a big pain but it gets the job done] the 50g sump is temporary until the tank cycles in, then ill switch my 100g over to be my new sump.

the mag 9.5 in use now you see will stay there until the last minute when the day comes I tear the 100g down, which should be pretty soon.

I got the pump mounted and plumbed for my GFO reactors and %90 of my return line mounted as well.

I do like the back of my tanks painted black, so tonight the tank back was painted. A perfect time to slip in the kid in the tank shot :)

Ok got the returns finished and plumbed into the bulkheads and dursos cleaned up and ready for action.

sending away for 160'lbs of marcos sand so ill be waiting for that to show up.

stand still needs some painting and hole drilling and the canopy needs a remake so ill be busy for a bit :)

hard to believe the last owner didnt paint the inside of the canopy, at roughly a year old the canopy had mold starting to grow so its getting a fresh coat of white paint to help protect it as well reflect light better.

heres the before shot, with some added exhuast vents cut out in the back so now instead of having 1 fan blow cool air in, and one pulling hot air out there will be two fans blowing cool air in while the hot air escapes out the back.

there were also 2 uneeded unfinished braces that were inches above the water line so they were removed as well.

new and improved canopy with a fresh coat of reflective white, add to that my koralia 7's showed up today with a pair of 60" 454's. sand might be here tomorrow and then it will be move in the house and set it up time.
