Duncan - ~80 heads over 5 mini colonies - I broke up the mother because the top heads were shading out the bottom ones. I think it looks nicer having a bunch of pieces spread around the tank anyway. This guy took a beating in transport. Some of the tentacles are still a bit wrinkly and color is slowly returning to the polyps that were shaded out. It's got a ways to go but it's very happy and the trend is good.
Acan - ~25-30 polyps. This thing looks fantastic in high-blue light. Can't for the life of me get a pic that does it justice. It's throwing off new polyps like crazy at the outer growth edge. I look forward to fragging this one and having multiple chunks spread around the tank, like the duncan.
The derasa clam is so fun. Watching it snap closed and then open back up every time a fish swims over it is inexplicably entertaining.
Picked up a little lobo frag last week. It's produced ~1mm of new encrustation in that time. Looking forward to seeing how that turns out. You can see it in the bottom right corner, in front of the two biggest chunks of duncan.
Also have a big chunk of sunset monti and a couple plating montis. Eventually, when I find something i think is truly fantastic, I will be adding 1-2 tabling acros on the top of the cap-stone. Efflorescens, solitaryensis or sarmentosa are what I'm leaning toward.
Fish load is low. I have 2 black ocellaris who I feed minimally, and a tailspot blenny who subsists fully (and quite well, I might add) off of algae from the tank.
I'm feeding the duncans and acans spirulina, nannochloropsis and zooplankton-enriched brine shrimp (target fed with all pumps off) biweekly.
I do not run a skimmer or any reactors. I have the filter sock in the first section of the left overflow, with a bunch of rubble in the second section. I have rubble in both sections of the right overflow, as well as ulva, chaeto, gracillaria and whatever hair algae i pull from the tank, growing as a refugium in the fist section of the right overflow. I do a minimum 10% water change atleast biweekly, if not weekly, and add live nannochloropsis and zooplankton weekly. I've got spirorbid worms growing out the wazoo and everything is happy.
I run a hydra 26hd, ~15" above water surface, on a slightly altered version of zibba's schedule (i increased the levels of blue and uv slightly). I also cut a piece of lexan to cover the mesh section of the lid, in order to cut down on evaporation. I get plenty of gas exchange in my filtration area.