I do and I really like it a lot! It's an impressive looking tank & stand.
I just got it set up with sand and rock... Water quality just hit perfect so about a week ago I added two emerald crabs, two porcelain crabs, a blood shrimp, hermits & several nassarius snails. I'm doing a tank merge from the two other tanks I have - the IM 40, and a generic 20 that I had to set up in an emergency and never took down...smh..
I just pulled two rose bta's from the 40 and plan on taking two clowns from the 20 to their new home. Not sure what other fish I'll put in the 80 yet. Currently looking at sand sifting gobies, but haven't decided on what two I want.
Also still have to decide on lights in the next few days. I have a G3 pro Radion on the 40. Love the light. I've gotten very good growth from it, just do not like the price tag and on this tank I'll probably need two. My lfs is recommending AI hydra's, but I need to do some comparison between those and the radion's so I know I'm not missing features that I really love and would greatly miss if I went with a different lighting system.
So yeah, I'm sure there must be others in our world wide community that own a IM 80. I'll have to look into how to create a place for us to all link up on here.
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