Owners Thread: Innovative Marine Fusion 40

Thanks. It has been a month I never want to do over.

Sorry to hear that. We send our condolences to you and the mrs. :(

So sorry to hear that. Gosh, that makes for a really bad day (week, month). I firmly believe that dogs should always out-live their people. I'd like to believe your girl is up there somewhere stealing toys from my Weimaraner. Really hate to hear that, Reduck. :(
I totally read about the .25 phosphates from the ATO...what brand 5 stage do you have? My blue is the clean/black waste/ red intake.... I would double check and curious what are you using to test.
Doing some reading, it IS possible to leach phosphates from plastic. A sure test is to take some output directly from the tube into a glass and test it. If indeed it is 0.0, you found your source. I have tested my source water (deep well) countless times. We have a massive carbon stack on the output. I never, ever, see detectable phosphates in my rodi. I also now test my fresh salt mixes and it is undetectable.

This shouldn't be hard to figure out. Pick up a gallon of steam distilled water at the market and test it. If it's 0.00x your test procedure is right. Then test the output of the rodi into a clean glass. You might even want to rinse it in the rodi before you fill it in case it came out of the dishwasher with residue. If it's still .25 I'd have a problem with that. I don't think a new membrane and resin bed should allow that high a reading.

If we were all taking in .25 phosphates out of our ato buckets we'd all be in a world of algae hurt...
.02 is what I'm seeing in my tank towards the end of 2 weeks, prior to wc. That means I have added at least 8g of ato water, plus food...and my tank water is cleaner than the fresh rodi? I don't buy it....
Update on phosphate testing. I tested the top-off water in the home-depot 'food safe' bucket - 0.25 (phosphate scale). Tested the top-off in the rubbermaid storage container (air tight) (created less than 1 week ago) ... 0.25 on phosphate scale. Just tested water straight out of RODI ... same reading - 0.25 on phosphate scale ... right out of RODI. Was I supposed to remove plastic from a filter in one of the 4 filter thingy's? Do I not have it hooked up right? (read all the instructions and assembled accordingly). The only thing I didn't do is unscrew each section to check for packaging ....
I just wanted to say I filled up my tank today and added 30lbs of live rock. I was surprised to see that the tank only held about 30 gallons of water. So as a new guy I should treat the tank as a 30 gallon, not a 40 right?
You levels are going to drive how you are going to treat your tank. All tanks are different with their needs. I have no clue how many gallons are actually in my tank...I just test and change accordingly to the tests.

I just wanted to say I filled up my tank today and added 30lbs of live rock. I was surprised to see that the tank only held about 30 gallons of water. So as a new guy I should treat the tank as a 30 gallon, not a 40 right?
Update on phosphate testing. I tested the top-off water in the home-depot 'food safe' bucket - 0.25 (phosphate scale). Tested the top-off in the rubbermaid storage container (air tight) (created less than 1 week ago) ... 0.25 on phosphate scale. Just tested water straight out of RODI ... same reading - 0.25 on phosphate scale ... right out of RODI. Was I supposed to remove plastic from a filter in one of the 4 filter thingy's? Do I not have it hooked up right? (read all the instructions and assembled accordingly). The only thing I didn't do is unscrew each section to check for packaging ....

I would check just to be sure. Sometimes the filters are wrapped, sometimes not. It just doesn't sound right to me...
I just wanted to say I filled up my tank today and added 30lbs of live rock. I was surprised to see that the tank only held about 30 gallons of water. So as a new guy I should treat the tank as a 30 gallon, not a 40 right?

I have 25lbs of rock and 30lbs of sand. I have changed the rockwork a couple times since new but I'm pretty sure I have about 37G in there.
It will depend on the density of the rock you are using too. A very porous rock will displace less water. Solid rock, more.
It is good to know the amount of water for dosing later on. It will never be exact, but close.
If your filled level is just below the dividers in the sump, its at the correct level.
I went ahead and ordered the Sicce Syncra Silent 2.0. Due to the fact that you need to take apart the Eheim +2000 to pull it out each time.. I have decided to go this way, so cleaning will be easier.
I went ahead and ordered the Sicce Syncra Silent 2.0. Due to the fact that you need to take apart the Eheim +2000 to pull it out each time.. I have decided to go this way, so cleaning will be easier.

you clean your pumps?
LOL..only kidding..yea, its a PITA. LMK how it fits. Maybe I'll go that way.
I know its time to clean my MPs when they fall off the glass.
Today I tested EVERYTHING for phosphates ... twice ... AND went to get distilled water as a base test.

I tested the tank water, RO/DI waste, RO water, stored RO water ready for water change (in 2 separate containers) ... and the distilled water.

Laid all 5 tubes down side-by-side. The distilled water was barely different to the others ... which is the cold light of day all appear yellow, with barely the slighted difference between the distilled and the others with one (I believe the waste water) being a little greener. Will try again tomorrow just to be sure.

I was very sure to rinse all the tubes AND caps in the water I was testing. Very careful about getting the drops in the middle of the test tubes and not running down the sides.

In conclusion, I think my phosphates must be trace, or OK ... and this must just be a diatom / algae bloom. I see a couple signs of red slime (bubbles on glass after not cleaning for 5 days), and tiny bubbles on the rocks, but I'm thinking this must just be part of the normal cycle.

I only have green star polyps (on the back wall in two places) and two tiny zoa colonies. All thriving and growing. No other corals. Considering doing another 48 hours dark. Thoughts?
So it's not just me, is the ehime quiet?

Yes it is quiet. But do to the pump and chamber size, you have to take apart the pump and reassemble it down in the chamber. I wouldn't recommend it. It becomes a PITA

Let me set up the sicce pump and report. Should be a better option