Anguila said:Thank you for the response.
Regarding off topic questions such as clown diet would it be best to start a new thread on the particular subject?
algaefree said:About a week ago, I moved my anemone and maroon clown to a separate 10gallon tank that is plumbed to the rest of my system. The anemone was being a pest... Since I now had a separate home for my clown (3.5" - 4" long), I thought it was time to pair her with a buddy. I bought a 1.5" male (or what I perceived to be a male) to see if they would get along. For about an hour, the female kind of asserted her womanly authority, and every so often, the little guy would start to convulse like he was having a seizure or as though she ripped off his fins or something. I guess that means he was just indicating his submissiveness to her.
That first night, they were sleeping together in the anemone.... Now they're just the best of friends.
An interesting thing also happened. My maroons are yellow striped maroons. I wasn't sure my female was a yellow-striped at first because her stripes were so faint, they just looked white. Now, they are getting more orange/yellow. Has anyone ever noticed this before? Is it normal?
Is there any indication I should be looking for that they will begin spawning? And how long does it take (best case scenario) before a newly paired fish will start to lay eggs?
JHardman said:Congrats! Pairing maroons can be tough, glad it went smoothly for you.
I would not expect a spawn for a newly paired, pair for 12-24 months.
Classic pre-spawning behavior is for both fish, together to vigorously clean a nesting site near their sleeping place, by biting it. The cleaning can go on for quite a while before a nest is laid, especially a first nest.
Anguila said:Is that for all clowns or does it vary depending on the species?
ant276 said:Oh man, I now have to go through this process. It seems that the big female went carpet surfing. How on earth she fit through a 2 inch gap in the back of the tank I don't know.
I have, sorry had 2 false perc's and I think they were just becoming mature. The one left is pretty beat up, should I wait until he become's the dominant female and introduce a smaller one or should I go out and get a new smaller one now even though he has already been fighting?
He is in the tank with two pajama cardinals and no host.
jgoelz said:O.K. I am in the middle of introducing a potential mate for my 3 1/2 inch Gold striped maroon. I have a 1 inch teenie little maroon in a clear plastic isolation/ breeder box which I sunk to the bottom near the females hangout. I have noticed the female swim up to the box. The little one meets her at the plastic and begins "convulsing" I haven't seen any "agressive" behavior yet from the female. Is she just waiting for me to let him out of the box so she can attack him?
The little one has been in the tank for 4 days now. Do you guys think it is safe to let him out?