Par Meter...


New member
Well as some of you already know I'll be switching out my halides and going all LEDS for my DT very soon.
So with that said.. before I make the switch, I am concerned about par values and would like to know if anyone in our club has a par meter so we can take par reading of what my halides are putting out currently. I do not want to bleach out my corals and would like to acclimate my corals to the LEDS and have them dimmed just a little under what the reading will reveal(LED's are on dimmable drivers with dimming kit).

If you are free after work or evenings for about 1 hr and have a par meter, let me know. I'll appreciate the help. :hmm5:

Well.. whoever has one, or ends up getting one..... has to come over my house and check the PAR of my DIY LEDs too! :)