ParanoidObseshun's 27g Cube

Picked up a small emerald crab at petco. Noticed some algae growing in a few spots and hoping this crab will keep everything in check.

For the past several nights now I have noticed this crab will find his way back to my one birdsnest frag and climbs up to the top and sits there until the lights come back on.


All the sps seem to be doing fine. Added some magnet mounted rubble pieces to the glass to build off the scape a little bit. Probably will put some of the sps on there soon.
Heres a top down shot of the tank. Its easier to capture the color of the corals this way.

Here is a picture of the magnet mounted rubble. There is a rock on the right side of the tank that has a ledge that sticks out, and I wanted to try to make this llook like it branched off of that piece. In an attempt to make it not look as awkward.

Thanks! I live north of the 80/309 intersection now. Definitely a lot better to be down in this area then back home in Susq County. Barely anyone in the hobby up there lol.
I recently decided to try the Bayer Insect killer as a coral dip and it seems to have worked out nicely. I had a bunch of tiny bugs crawling all over a few of my frogspawns and no other dip would affect them so I finally tried this. After the dip I didnt notice a single bug crawling around any of the pieces and I still dont notice any several days later. All the pieces are inflating a lot more and just look healthier overall.

Here is an updated FTS
Looks good. Too bad the nano forum doesn't do nano reef of the month any more.

Got any plans for Good Friday? I'm heading to That Fish Place to pick up a large Aussie tusk :)
Haha yeah. I wanted to add that for spots to put some coral. It doesnt get a whole lot of strong flow on the back part of those pieces so I will probably put some zoanthids or something on that half.

Took a couple more pictures today after moving some things around.

Here is a shot of my sour apple birdsnest when I got it.

Shot taken today.

Shot taken a month or so ago of another one of my sps frags.

Same piece. Really starting to get color back and growing nicely.

Picture of the gold torch still looking great under LED's

Some zoas I recently picked up
Tank looks awesome..

Hey, I am new to the saltwater hobby, what are some LFS' you recommend?

I work in Drums, also I live in pottsville, so I am all over the place.

Trying to find a good place which takes care of their stuff reasonably well. My tank is still cycling, so I havent got any livestock.