Parrot fish question


New member
Parrots I thought were supposed to get large and a TRUSTED friend of mine said one wouldnt go much past 6 inches if not stay smaller? He is well versed in saltwater aquaria, but I still want a double check cause I read they get 32 INCHES. So how small is the smallest parrot fish?
Sounds like you're not talking about the same fish, but rather two fish that just look similar. Lunar Wrasse look something like a Parrot Fish, but even they get larger than 6". There is also a freshwater parrot fish.
my fish that I want looks exactly like a bicolor parrot, however, I just can't believe that the fish would wind up being that large considering what my reputable source suggests.
There are many members in the scaridae family. I believe the smallest member Leptoscarus viagiensis gets to almost 8 inches and the largest being Bolbometopon muricatum which grows to about 60 inches. Most will fall between that and get rather hefty (10-15 pounds at least) and about 2 or 3 feet in length. Beware they do not fare well in captivity, in fact I haven't seen any in the few larger public aquariums I've visited.
Thank you! I am beggining to believe this "parrotfish" isn't a parrotfish at all. The one I have seen is quite happy and eats quite a bit and doens't seem to have grown much over the three months the store has had him. I am quite intrigued to see what will happen with him over time.