Peppermint shrimp questions

These may sound like silly questions but I can not find any information on this subject.
Is there a "season" or time when peppermint shrimp are more prevalent in the Keys? Would they be more apt to be on the ocean side or Gulf side of the Keys? Look for them more in grassy areas or rocky areas?
Heading down in a couple of weeks and hoping to find some.

Thanks for any input.

Never knew this either cool information thanks I know that we have arrow crabs and coral banded shrimp but that's about it
They are more in the flats / grassy areas but you won't see them unless you find a nice structure like a tire or cluster of rocks. Also whenever I found them it's like a cluster of 6-10 not just 1 or 2. The trappers get them as a by product.
I used to find them in 5' of water south of Boynton Inlet. They would hang upside down underneath exposed rock, just like they do in the tank. With all the dredging and rocks being covered up haven't seen any in a few years
^ That might explain why they liked the inside of the tires.

Almost everything comes out at night but I never looked at night. Make sure you have a good pair of gloves. Im sure you will see a ton of mantis shrimp.