Peppermint shrimp spawned!


Regurgitated Fender
My tank is less than two months old, but it looks like the two peppermint shrimp spawned recently. I have a Biocube 32 LED.

Yesterday we saw dozens of tiny shrimp blowing around in the current. There are only a few today, the rest probably having blown into the rear chambers and to a sad fate. I don't have hope they'll survive, but it is very cool.

Getting pictures of the baby shrimp was not easy, as fast as they moved. They appear to be rather fully formed tiny shrimp and not any sort of copepod.

Wow, that's awesome... that's ok we off the many amazing things we are lucky to witness in this hobby. I hope some of them will grow, that'll be really cool. Your fishes might munch on some though.

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Mysids are a possibility that I looked at. They had a very shrimpy body structure, which doesn't rule out Mysis. They did have white markings that reminded me quite a lot of peppermint shrimp. They also had the larger claws in the front pair, only a few pairs of rear legs rather than the hairiness of mysis and a well developed "fan" in the back that was rounded. I got to look at some with a magnifying glass. Now it is possible that they were a marked type of mysis, but they looked exactly like pepperment shrimp larvae that I've seen on YouTube. So I agree that either is possible, but I do have adult peppermints in the tank.
Can't tell by the pic but not unusual, shrimps can do this every 14 days ish and provided there are two. Each shrimp is both male and female so likely. Keep a watch underneath the tail, you will see tons of eggs at one point. They usually toss them at night with several tail flicks...

Chance of survival in a DT.....ZERO.....they have an yolk sac good for 18 hours....if the fish or pumps don't get them first.
Mysid Shrimp most likely....

I have had a few spawning events in my nano as well... You can usually see them at night with a flashlight blowing around in the current.
I've seen my peppermint shrimp spawn at night under the moonlights. An extremely fast streak across the top of the tank caught my eye and I saw the shrimp at the end of it with a cloud like a vapor trail behind her. The fish went NUTS in the cloud so not a good outcome for the fry. Nature in action right there in our livingrooms.

I also saw a Trocus snail spawning last year. That seems to have been a much better outcome because I now have at least 14 of them and I only bought 6!

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