phosphate levels

< 0.03 is what is quoted most often. FWIW you will never have truly 0 P in your tank. You might have 0 with hobbiest test kits but there is allways some. IMO where sps coloration is concerned as long as it is 0.03 or below(the lower the better) using a quality hobbiest test kit you are probably ok.
Just tested mine using a Hach PO19 Phos test kit. And got a reading of 0.03- 0.04. Randy over at the chemistry forum said as long as the levels are below 0.05 its acceptable.

But still hear you want to keep the level at least 0.02 no higher, or you'll have algae issues.
My corals look the best when my phosphate is around .01-.02. Using zeovit it is easy to reduce phosphate to very low levels. I will say that my best indicator of phosphate is my orange monti cap, when the phos. is too low it looks almost pink. At this point I just feed the tank a little more. I truly think if your phosphate were zero your coral would die, there is some needed to build coral, too much will inhibit growth.
Well...if hair algae and cyano do in fact suck up phosphates... I say if you have a lot of them you have too much phosphates. Would this be a correct assumption?