Photo of my new Lunar Eclipse Colony

PAS Photography

New member
Picked this colony up at a frag swap in Madison this past weekend for a STEAL!!!. It was at the end of the show and no one had bought it so I asked what he wanted for it. I think everyone was either affraid to ask how much that knew what they were, and/or price was too high all day and he wanted to sell more last minute by dropping price. Maybe the seller didnt know what he had and what the general price per polyp goin rate was. reguardless... I am very happy to have them.

Guessing theres about 60-70polyps total, 50-60 on top and 10-15 on the underside I plan to frag off so they grow out.

Thanks for viewing


(photo is a little bright and was taken with my Droid2 phone camera on macro mode)
They look a little bleached. Maybe that is why no one wanted them. I think the middles should be a lot more black and the orange a little more intense. Good find though! I hope they color up nicely for you.
Thanks for the replies. Ya I thought they looked a little dull/bleached too. I have them at the bottom of my 130gal tank with 5- T5s and I do dose Vit C so hopefully they will brighten up over time. Worth the $30 I paid for them.