Pic's from my 75 gallon reef


Reef "Hobbyist"...right!?
Hello everyone, I just wanted to share some pictures that I just took from my 75 gallon reef. It is mostly a SPS reef and is mostly frags at this time with a couple of small colonies. There are also a couple of LPS and softies in the tank as well. I hope you can overlook those in this forum :)

Tank specs:

standard 75 gallon with 39 gallon rubbermade sump.

Lighting: 2 X 175 watt 10 K reeflux, 2 X 110 watt VHO's ( one super actinic and one actinic white ) and 2 X 55 watt actinic power compacts.

Skimmer : Euroreef CS 6-1

Circulation is approximately 40 X tank volue with 2 Seio 1100's, Mag 9.5 return through a Seaswirl and a couple of maxijet 1200's.

Tank chemistry : Calcium 460 PPM ( Salifert )
Alkalinity 8.6 DKH ( Salifert)
Magnesium 1365 PPM ( Salifert )
Tank pic's






Best full tank shot I could pull off :)


Please feel free to comment. I hope you enjoyed the pictures. Thanks for looking. :D
Thanks !! Actually the large green monster on the left is a branching Frogspawn. It is just not fully extended in the pic and a bit withdrawn.
Holy frogspawn batman!! That thing is awsome, you have to put a closeup pic of it up when it fully expands.

Great tank!

Thanks everyone !!

Tony Campos, I believe the frag you are referring to is a blue Tenuis that is just starting to color up at the tips. The body is still a cream color and I hope it continues to fully color up in time.
dobly, not much to show of the sump. It is a simple sterolite rubbermade container that sits behind the wall that the display is in front of. The sump houses the Euroreef CS 6-1 skimmer, heater, drain line and return line from a Mag 9.5 pump. I do not have a new pic but here is an old one showing the skimmer.

broe33, I do not have any new pics of the frogspawn fully extended but here are a couple of slightly older ones




Here it is when I 1st purchased it a few years back

That is CRAZYYYY GOOD! haha, Like on the pop-tarts comercial... hah..

ok, maybe IM THE ONLY ONE who found humer in that... BUT HOWEVER!

THAT IS AN AWSOME TANK you got there!!!
and BTW: I think you need to be adding more Ca because your frogspawn is just WAYY TO SMALL! haha

good luck !

You could make a killing fragging that monster and selling it to LFS or online..
