pics of flatworms ... for ryan


In Memoriam
ryan ... here are some pics of my previous flatworm infestation:


here is where they striped the hydroids:

same again
haha ... i had a few rocks that were completely covered ... you could NOT see the rock below the flatworms ... scott can back me on that one ... they were lined up like the scales on a fish.
Went to aquarium & reef center today. Looks like Flatworm infestations are going around like the flu.

John's got a beautiful LPS tank full of flatworms, I mean F-U-L-L!!
Had to be millions of them.

I think there going to drop a 6-line in there to regulate. There just worried that the wrasse might pick on their "prized" strawberry dottyback...

John told me that 6-lines will eat flatworms until their stomachs explode, its like fish crack to them.