Pics of my 600g AGE Hybrid

My pleasure,

Thanks for using your first post in this thread Geoplane.

This tank is now about 30 months old.

Here is a picture of my old tank, which stood in its place for a few years until I replaced it with the glass fronted Hybrid.

You may be able to see a few of the same fish. I have had many of the fish for upwards of 6 years.


Lynn, that is a green polyped birdsnest...though in my tank it is more blue than green. It grows ridiculously fast- and for some reason may also die equally as fast on idea why.

I have several pieces of this in the tank and all are doing well. It really contrasts well with other corals when it grows through and around them.
This is another piece under LED nightlights glowing nicely. Its the bushy piece across the middle....

The only decent one I have is of my black clowns doing their "love" thing.

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Not really much of the tank to be seen, but I like it.
Ill try and get a video in the next week or so,
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Beautiful setup! I love all of the great colors in your tank. I am also a fan of the encrusting corals you have. Is that an elegance coral in the front right corner of your tank? I am subscribing to see how your grow out goes. I also love the pink tail. I have a niger and he is my favorite in the tank. He is also a model citizen, doesn't mess with my shrimp or crabs/snails.
Sean, at the very front right is the anemone the two clowns are living in.

Sorry- cant help you on the elegance corals.... but feel free to stay subscribed.

So here is the tank this time last year:


and here it is a few weeks ago (picture taken by Tony Vargas, thanks T.)


I have moved a few pieces around and removed the TEK hoods and replaced with individual T5s as well as adding a row of 4x 250W MH down the middle.
Very nice tank! I love the aquascaping and how the corals are gowing into each other. By any chace could we see a behind the scenes shot of the filtration room......:spin1:
Very nice job, you should be proud of this accomplishment!