Pics of my 600g AGE Hybrid

guess it is time for an update...

Stuff is growing like crazy, here she is:


the image is a composite of several shots, to maximize resolution.
if you would like to see a larger version, click this link:

without question one of the nicest tanks on here ( or anywhere else)...Have you won TOTM with this tank?...I am no psychic but I see TOTM in your future if you havent already won it.
How is the pinktail with hermits and snails? Do you keep any small fish like gobies, assessors, or firefish in with him? Tank is amazing :thumbsup:
How is the pinktail with hermits and snails? Do you keep any small fish like gobies, assessors, or firefish in with him? Tank is amazing :thumbsup:

he is fine with all of the hermits and snails. I dont have many small fish, other than a small black clown and several small wrasses. He hasnt touched anything bar nipping at a coral several years ago.


Can you tell me what fish is at the bottom left next to the pink tail trigger? I love the colors.

its a powder brown tang.

He does have great color, and a big attitude, but this guy is one of my favorites:

A maculiceps tang.
LOL... not really...they are all common corals and fish....with a few exceptions. Nothing too outstanding.
LOL... not really...they are all common corals and fish....with a few exceptions. Nothing too outstanding.

Way too modest. I've seen tanks with the emphasis on corals, with fish as an afterthought. And I've seen tanks with some amazing fish and a few corals thrown in. But yours is amazing on both fronts.

I've only had fish and inverts until recently as I'm just getting into corals this past month; some duncans, a mushroom, a couple of caps and a couple more. I'm going to bookmark this to serve as an example of what a reef tank should look like and keep referring to it as I build mine.