Shots are so pro...congrats
Nice shots! What's that last fish in your post#1? Mind sharing what camera and lens you're using? I'm shopping for a good Macro atm.
Check post#6 above.What camera/lens did you take those with? Great shots!
That wrasse picture is fantastic! So is the chromis shot. Nice job. Same question as in your other thread: do you use a flash for those tight fish pictures?
you wouldn't happen to have any desktop sized versions of these pics would you? I've been looking for some good high quality hi-res reef related pics and haven't been able find any.
Sent from my HTC Evo 4G using Tapatalk Pro
What camera/lens did you take those with? Great shots!
Check post#6 above.
(subscribed, for possible bigger pics to add to my screensaver, heh.)
bhsgk: There's TONS online, just use Google Image search, and click on -medium- or -large- size to narrow it down. Try keywords like reef aquarium, macro, marine, coral reef fish, etc. Or plug in specific species.
This is AWESOME!!!! amazing pics but this one is the best in my book! :eek2:
can we see a hole pic of the tank
This is AWESOME!!!! amazing pics but this one is the best in my book! :eek2:
These are great pics!
Incredible shot...beautiful.