Picture heavy update on my 180t (8 months old)


New member
My original build thread was here: http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=599408&perpage=25&pagenumber=1

Sup people. I know how you all love pics, so here are a couple I snapped while my cat was waiting for a fish to jump out ;)






looks awesome man! truth be told, i got so caught up in your build thread i almost forgot to come back and leave props! :)

are you hand placing those xenia? or are they just individually spreading around like that?
thanks man. the xenia are walking around like they own the place. notice 2 stalks on the left overflow.
i have one fool. that thread is over in the Deltec forum. it's working like a champ.

i got it at Blue Ribbon Koi in manassas, va. they rock.
yeah, it has been perfect for me. i think the only thing i would change would be going with a different overflow setup. the one i have is fine if you have a deep (more than 18") tank, but with the tall setup, i didnt know how crowded it would be till i started to fill it.

i wonder, now, if one overflow would suffice. i may look into removing one one day.