Picture of My Clam!


Active member
thought i would share this. man..i love clams.

the cool thing is that the coloring is pretty much the same from the side-view and the top-down-view.

<img src="http://reefcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=1162759" border="2">
indorica? nope. they had one there! man..i thought mine was an original. haha. it's alot bigger than i thought.
i think what PR is gettin at is the condition that maximas have been coming in lately, 2 weeks has been a lifespan for maximas lately.....they dont seem to be doin that well, something bad is goin around with them i think

but that is a nice clam, i have never seen a pattern like that, very nice
oh really? thanks for the info. i'll keep my eye on it and post a picture of the same clams in two weeks. hopefully it'll do well.

kozmo, do you have a picture of your 60 gallon? i got one also and am always looking to see how other reefers set up their 60. and your 30! i have an empty 29 gallon sitting at home. pm me. hehe.
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Hey Arcab,

Come on dude. Need to know where you are shopping for clams. I hope it is a local shop. That's one sweet clam, man.

I'm looking to add a Maxima to my tank. And I've sweared off buying online since the shipping cost is killing me. And how is your clam doing? I am not aware of the health condition of recent imports, I sure hope it is not true because I really want a clam!!!


just kidding, hehe. i love the coloration. my lfs has stoped selling them for a while because they too have had complaints on all clams lately. please post its health in a couple
i think what PR is gettin at is the condition that maximas have been coming in lately, 2 weeks has been a lifespan for maximas lately.....they dont seem to be doin that well, something bad is goin around with them i think

I have had clams in my tank since August and only lost one. 1 loss of of 5 shipment ( 17 clams) isn't bad IMO


Nice clam. you're in Arcadia? i grew up in Arcadia and my folks still live there. Just thought it was cool to find someone at RC from the same city

victor? victor lee? class of 2000? HAHA. dude..is that you? this is johnny. what a small world.