How did you bend the wood? And what wood did you use? Now you have my wife wanting me to build that bridge. Jeez man!
minfinger said:
Nice pond. I only hope to create a backyard close to yours. I too will be digging a pond in the years to come.
i'm curious as to what wood you used around your pond? I was told not to use pressure treated wood over my koi pond.
The wood used in the construction of the bridge is "clear" cedar....In order to achieve that curves in the bridge, some pieces were soaked and then stretched and other pieces were cut out of larger planks.
The wood used in the construction of the decks is either clear cedar or douglas fir (which stains to a similar color and tone as cedar).
No, I don't think that it would be wise to use pressure treated wood as the substance that serves as a preservative is thought to be a carcinogen (cancer causing agent) and is likely somewhat toxic to fish.
overanalyzer said:
I noticed you have a rather elaborate sump system - have you ever thought about converting some of that space over to a refugium? [/B]
Yes the thought has occurred to me, and I may still transform part of the sump into a refugium at some point in the near future.
Tunjee said:
Tank is magnificant! How was the slot cut out for the external overflow? Laser, water jet or ground out with a rotary tool. Is there eggrate infront of the intake?
The "slots" are actually three 2 1/2" round holes that were ground out with a diamond rotary drill.
An overflow box is also mounted on the inside of the tank. The internal overflow has plexiglass "teeth" at the top which can be mechanically adjusted to control height and flow.
RGibson said:
hcrK could you tell me the flow rate of the four Iwaki pumps you used on the closed loops?
There are four closed loops - two powered by Iwaki MD55RLT's and two powered by Iwaki MD40RLXT's. The 55's are rated at 1080 gallons per hour each and the 40's are rated at 12 gallons per hour each.
gilu2k said:
Ok Well these 400w are proving really costly to me also after a year or so I have to change the bulbs also please suggest what other ways (cheaper) are there to arrange my lighting which will prove friendly to my pocket for a long run.
This is my tanks view from above also its 4ft deep, what I am freaked about is how to arrange the 250 and 150 watt lighting, if you think this arrangement is not going to work then how many 400w lights would I need for my tank.[/IMG]
If I were building an aquarium such as yours, I would definately reduce the number of bulbs and increase their brightness to 1000 watts. Fewer bulbs equate to substantially reduced expenses for the inevitable replacements. Also, the 1000 watt bulbs will be able to penetrate further into your 48" tank.
Rob Schwartz said:
Hi hcrk,
Thank you for your posts, replies, and pictures. Stunning to say the least!
I'm curious if you could tell us about two quick things:
1. Noise levels, do you have any sound proofing with all the pumps, water flow, etc? Do you find it necessary especially with the theatre adjacent?
2. Clean-up crew, I know that you had mentioned fire-worms, but what else do you employ?
Thanks once again!
1. No, I don't have any significant "soundproofing"....although I should mention the fact that the doors are solid (and not hollow). With the doors and hatches to the aquarium closed, the noise is reduced to a reasonably quiet "humm"....which does not bother me and does not seem to bother anyone else.
On the issue of the sound interfering with my doesn' the theatre incorporates a total of 11 speakers which include 3 centre channel speakers and 2 subwoofers.
2. The original crew of some 500 hermit crabs and 200 Astrea snails have, over the years suffered significant attrition. The attrition does not seem to have caused the aquarium to suffer in any sense. However, I recently placed an orderwith a supplier for 100 Astrea snails and 200 hermit crabs.
I also have about 4 Serpent Stars and 1 Blue Linkia starfish that has survived in my care for at least 10 years.
carpetride said:
Nice to have you back, seems that I remember you saying you would like to start a discussion on nitrates or phosphates. Did you ever do this?
No not yet....I have some thoughts on various matters that I believe may be of interest and will outline them in a future posting.
cseeton said:
I have a question concerning your use of mirrors....
Do you have any trouble with territorial fish "staking their claim" so to speak? I briefly considered using a piece of mirrored glass for an overflow, and one of the concerns that was put forth was that fish would literally fight themselves to death.
While I threw out the use of the mirror because I found that manufactures use a copper layer on top of the silver to let the paint/lacquer layers bond better, but the idea is still festering in my mind.
Your tank is truly an inspiration! Thanks!
No, "staking a claim" (so to speak) has never been a problem. After a fairly short period of time, the fish just ignore the mirrors .
If I understand you correctly, I believe that you originally planned to mount a mirror within your aquarium, which is something that I would not do. All my mirrors are located outside the aquariums and away from any saltwater.
SHOmuchFUN said:
I do have one question though... So you were saying that your projection screen drops in FRONT of your 225? Why would you do this? Just out of the situation of the seating arrangement?
No, it doesn't drop down....the theatre is in a separate area of the basement. The two aquariums are located on either side of the theatre area ... one in a library and one in the bar area.
Thanks again for all of your many kind compliments.
I will post some additional pictures soon.....perhaps before my Christmas vacation.
I will also update readers with some recent events.
......and finally, although I am happy to continue to answer questions and share experiences, I would again ask that my right to personal privacy be respected.....