Pictures - 800 gallon reef - 7+ years in operation

updated photos?

updated photos?

Would love to see the growth rates after 6 months. Welcome back and thank you again for sharing your pictures.
When I first clicked on the link... I literally said "HOLY COW" followed by a sense of speechlessness (my coworkers can attest :lol: )

I think most of us can agree, that a system of this magnitude is an inspiration to many of our "dream tanks" and although they bring a great deal of solitude, I can say that even my 55gal brings out the nerves in me and can be a cause for any one of your elixers from your back wall! I think it's ironic that you keep your alcohol close to your reef tank!

I do find it interesting that you don't want to share your profession which is usually a pretty generic piece of our identity.. If you won the lottery, just tell us!

I do have one question though... So you were saying that your projection screen drops in FRONT of your 225? Why would you do this? Just out of the situation of the seating arrangement?
Curiosity kills the thread. On RC anyway. No matter how many times he's stated he wanted to retain his privacy, many continue to ask for specifics.

I think he should just lie so that the questions stop. :lol: Hrck, just tell 'em you're a professional stripper like I do.
melev said:
Curiosity kills the thread. On RC anyway. No matter how many times he's stated he wanted to retain his privacy, many continue to ask for specifics.

I think he should just lie so that the questions stop. :lol: Hrck, just tell 'em you're a professional stripper like I do.

Thank you melev, why must people continue to ask the same personal questions? Particularly when privacy was asked for! Maybe money should be added as one of the banned conversation here on RC right up there with religion and politics. :rolleyes:
I didn't ask him for his profession again, I thought it was interesting. :mad2:

This is what kills threads:
Desert Fox said:
But Marc, you really ARE a professional stripper!!! ;)

Practice what you preach.
SHOmuchFUN said:
I didn't ask him for his profession again, I thought it was interesting.
No, you're right. You didn't ask him. You demanded he tell you.
SHOmuchFUN said:
If you won the lottery, just tell us!
That's much better. :rolleyes: Good job. :thumbsup:

Since apparently you find it interesting to need to know others' occupations, i find your ignorance to factual information like Marc's job quite interesting. Making unjustified insinuations and ignornant remarks to a public here to help and learn about reefing from one another is what kills threads.

Practice what you preach.
I too am glad you're back HRCK!!!

please do keep up the great work and keep us posted!!!

more pictures of any new amendments would be greatly appreciated

WOW, that's simply amazing. Thank you for sharing and providing information to us.

I'm working on an in wall 125 right now. It doesn't compare, but I have gotten ideas from your thread. Thanks again for sharing!
marinegirl said:
sea world dont look that good !

This (and MOST reef tanks I've seen on this forum) is way out of SeaWorld's league. I searched and searched and could not find ONE reef setup in that park. It is nothing more than a Marine themed Theme Park. I couldnt find a coral to save my life.

I'll never go there again.