Pictures with my new D40 56K Warning

Would this camera be good for a beginner? Also, does anyone know of a good tutorial online for learning to use a DSLR?
I've been using several P&S cameras for awhile now, and this transition was relatively easy. The best way to learn about your DSLR is to slap it in front of ur tank and fiddle with it. That's what I did.
I recommend taking a course at a community college for photoshop... there are SO many differnet things you can do with it, and there are usually a few tiered offerings as to the depth of your use with this power tool.

Great shots by the way! Thinking about upgrading to a higher end Nikon from old EOS digital when i get some funds.
I've had my D70 for over 2 years, taken 1000's of pictures of my tank and haven't gotten a single one of any of my fish any where near that good. Could you post the EXIF data from the tang or anthias shot by any chance? Great shots BTW.

CAreefer -
I don't know an easier way to give you EXIF data from the images (i'm using lightroom?) So I'll just type up info

The picture of the anthia:
1/60sec at f/5.6
focal length: 55mm
Exposure bias: 0EV
ISO 640
Metering: Pattern

Pink Spotted Watchman:
1/60th sec at f/8.0
Focal lenght: 55mm
ISO 400
Metering: Pattern

1/50th sec at f/5.6
focal length: 55
Exposure bias: 0 EV
ISO 800

All were shot with the kit lens that comes with the D40. 18-55mm
Those shots are unbelievable for a d40 with the kit lense. You're well on your way to mastering the art of photography.
Almost all pictures taken by d-slr need at least a bit digital post processing, and this guy knows how. :)

I love the Anthias pictures, crisp and clear !
Thanks! you can also thank Snowboarda42 for doing some extra edits to them! I'm using his versions for my computer wallpaper now haha
Absolutely gorgeous clarity, color, composition, you name it. I'm throwing in the bag here after seeing these I think!!! What settings did you use, and any flash or not? Keep them coming.
thanks, i wish i could grab some good shots, but i'm having trouble shooting my new nano tank. Maybe it's under the halides or maybe it's the glass. Those other photos were taken in my friend's gorgeous 125 gallon tank. Anyone have any tips for shooting under halides? I'm dealing with a 70watt 14K light and everything seems so bright and washed out, but when i lower exposure time or cut down on aperture it seems to just get dark really fast. I'd appreciate some tips if anyone has any!