Pipefish and Horses-Seeing more and more


New member
I'm seeing more and more people posting here about their pipefish and captive bred seahorses. I've always thought this was a big no-no.

So I'm going to ask those who are keeping pipes and seahorses:

a)What kind of pipes, what species of horses do you have

b) How long have you had both, and how long together?

c) How many of you have noticed any problems keeping them in the same tank?

I am not a good example, since mine have been together less than 6 months. I have 1 banded pipe and 2 gulfcoast pipes, and they are in with my eructus. I did QT them first, and did FW dip before and after QT. So far so good. I know there are some people they do not QT, and I probally should QT longer than several weeks. I am WAY to impatient.
I have noticed the same thing. The risk, as I understand it, is that wild pipes can bring in diseases that the horses have no imunity to.

Quarantine and dips will have no effect. The host fish will still carry the pathogen even if it shows no symptoms of disease.

The pathogen then crosses to a new host with no imunities and you have trouble.

It may well be a hit and miss thing.

back when I started researching seahorses, the only thing thought to be appropriate tank mates for either were either. There were not so many captive bred horses, and it was more-or-less a good practice.

now- if my tank was big enough for a couple of pipes, I'd get a few. Maybe I will someday, when I get more LR, but I'd be pushing the bioload. (by then I'll have a jawfish, and my 3 horses)

I think that the success stories are from people that have QT 'ed both thier horses and thier pipes, seperately, for 6+weeks. Other sucess stories are from people that didn't... so maybe its not correlated?

BUT, the other question to ask: who SPECIFICALLY has had no-success, with the horses and/or pipes dieing from unknown causes? and not just well, they said that they did... someone actually owning up to thier mistakes and saying I tried it, heres what happened. EVEN the people that had losses due to the horses and pipes together.

and NOT posting just stuff like 'oh-you shouldn't do that' ya know? actual cases/causes... ect. I'm interested too, and don't want to waid through 50 posts telling me I can't do it, as I'm sure the original posters intension was.
On Jan 1, I mixed my 4 WC reidi with my 6 CB erectus. Since then, I have added a WC false vampire blenny and a WC heniochus. To date (I know it's only been 19 days) I have had no problems whatsoever, BUT I do believe mine is a special case.

My CB horses were conceived WC and born and raised in captivity, and the water from the reidi tank was used to set up the erectus tank more than once (it developed a leak) so the horses were already basically exposed to the same pathogens.

I weighed the decision very carefully, and decided to take the risk. I am examining all 10 horses every night for any small signs or symptoms of anything out of the ordinary, and happily, so far, all seems well. They dance morning and evening, all have nice fat tummies, they are eating like pigs, and they all bop all over the tank hunting. If you have the same erectus from Karen, coming up on their 1st birthday in Feb, yours should have the same immunities.

I think people as a whole baby their seahorses too much. After all, they are still just fish. I know how bad it will hurt if the entire tank got wiped out, but after weighing the pros and cons, I can live with my decision. I try to keep my horses in the best possible health, with the best possible water quality, which is why I feel I have had the success I have. If you can find pipes from a reputable dealer that you believe in, and your horses are in good health to begin with, I think you will be successful.

BTW, I do not quarantine, and have never had a problem I traced back to not doing it.