Pipefish - Is there an easier one to keep?


New member
I am considering a tank mate for a pair of H. Kuda that I will be getting from seahorsesource.com. I thought about a pipefish, but don't know if they are easy to keep or if they require more than special feeding requirements.

All these here seem to difficult: http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/scateg.cfm?pCatId=267

Thanks! :)

If not a pipefish, what is a good tankmate for these horses?

I read a list, but I want to know from a person's personal experience too. And also, if you agree with this list: http://www.seahorse.org/library/articles/tankmates.shtml



I really would like some shrimp in my H. Kuda tank, but uis anyone hesitant in putting shrimp in a seahorse tank? If not, which one???
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I'm pretty sure shrimp fall into two categories with SH: potential meals and those that get large enough to avoid being eaten but turn right around and annoy the horses. I would avoid shrimp in total honestly. Perhaps someone else has a good option for you to try.

Thats good too know that they can be easy when feeding off of frozen food, but how would I know this from liveaquaria.com. I don't have a LFS that sells any pipefish, so I would get my stuff online (like seahorsesource.com).

Do you know a good place to get pipefish? Maybe they can honestly tell me if their pipefish eat frozen foods. If you all know of anybody who sells pipefish and is honest and trustworty, let me know. You can PM me as well. THANKS!!!
Chris... do NOT add wild caught pipefish with captive bred seahorses!! You're just asking for trouble. That would be no better than mixing WC horses with CB horses.

I know you've been reading lots and have certainly come across this point in your reading. So even though you'd like pipes, I know that you know it's a very bad idea. I just thought I'd remind you. ;)

Is there a particular reason you feel the need to add fish tankmates in with your seahorses?

Yup, you got lucky. Doesn't mean they aren't carrying pathogens, it just means if they are it hasn't compromised their immune system.

Even after a quarantine of weeks... it's still a risk introducing ANY wild caught syngnathid in with captive bred ones. Some people are willing to take that risk.

They would be quite apparent. There are many different symptoms.... body lesions, white bumps/pustules on the tail, swollen tail, white tail tip, snout rot, etc....

If you've mixed and things are going well... kudo's to you! Others have taken the risk as well, and it's worked out fine so far. Still others have tried it and they no longer have seahorses.

I just would never advise someone new to seahorses to consider getting pipes as tankmates. It's a very risky thing to do.

I know I shouldn't have pipefish :) oh well....

The reason wa sI wanted other signs of life (not just the rock and H. Kuda) which is why I also commented about shrimp or other inverts that go well. But if this BEST thing is SEahorses with live rock, I am cool with that too.
Dude ! There are a ton fo great ank amtes out there. You are not stuck with seahorses only. Open the horizon's my friend.

I have kept personally all for over a year with no problems:

cardinal fish
manderin goby
twin spot goby
yellow watchman goby
green clown goby
peppermin shrimp
cleaner shrimp
sand sifting star fish
nausarius snails
astrea snails
red legged scarlet reef hermits
various corals including:
macro algaes,
and xenia

There are many more tankmate options available, those are jsut the ones I kept personally.

I ahve also kept a six line wrasse for about 8 months with no issues. i didn't have good luck with a salfin tang or clown fish both after about 9 months.

I have found the tankmate article on seahorse.org to be accurate.

The issue with mixing pipefish extends to CB pipes, as well as to other species. it is the same set of risks involved with mixing any syngnathids.

If someonw has already mixed best recipe for succsess is lower tank temps, 70F is good, a big ol UV, and a few bottles of Neo3 Just in case. Lower temps help to slow the growth of the bacteria and can stop some strains from growing completely, UV kills the bacteria in the water column, and the Neo works for treatment when the other two don't. :) It is one of those cases where no amount of QT is going to help you. Your odds of no problems mixing species is about 25% overall depending on the species. IMHO if you see no signs of illness in the first 6 months you are going to be O.K.

Good Luck.
I have been really lucky, I got 11 alligator pipes, 2 small banded, 2 regular banded, 2 african blue stripe, 2 janes, 3 dwarf pipes, 2 gulf pipes, 24 SH of 5 different kinds, 2 star sand sifters, 1 walking bat, 1 yellow wrasse, 200 pounds of LR, bunch of different sea grass, and others thinks, I run a 5 foot tall skimmer, Ca reactor, a ozone reactor and other gadgets, in a 215ga tank and 55ga sump

everybody gets along fine, I get babys every other month(I got about 60 now from the newest birth, to include 20 baby dwarf pipes)

very lucky indeed

How long ahs that system been running?

I too would love to see some pictures. Amazing that you can keep 50 fish in that size tank and have everything run so smoothly. Really would love to see pics.

Also since this is the seahorse forum, what species of seahorses do you have?
the tank has been running for about a year now, more or less, yes I credit luck in large quatities, and over doing the set up with fail safetys and extra large equipment to the sucsess of my tanks, and feeding the herds 2,000 ghost shrimp (yes 2,000) a week and supplementing with frozen brine twice a day, thats why they are so fat and giving babys all the time

the are pics in WWW.MAAST.org go to the photo forum and find the "seamonkey (jose's pics)" thread there are 3 different threads, my pic. taking skills suck, so a friend of mine took a bunch.

pledosophy, until you pointed out I did not realize there were that many in the tank, that is funny, I got a big tank so I can keep few different kinds of pipes and SH's and still looks empty LOL, with close to 50 fish LOL

kudas, tiger tails, whites, erectus, I think that is it

well you guys LMK what you think

Found the posts, nice systems. Have to admit I didn't believe you at first. It's amazing how in the full tank shot you can barely see any of the seahores, your right it still looks kinda empty. The corals are lovely.

FYI the tiger tails are hippocampus comes.

Can you get some pics of the whitei ? ? ? They are one of my favorites and not many people keep them.

Your erectus and your reidi are both beautiful. That red color is oustanding.

Feeding 2000 ghosts a week must be a challenge, I thought I had it bad feeding 100 ghosts a week.

Keep up the work!

BTW your reef is amazing as well. Love the naso. :)
Sexy shrimp would be a great snack for a seahorse. :) My reidi will eat shrimp twice the size of the biggest sexy shrimp you ever saw, the seahorses will see them as food.