Pipefish - Is there an easier one to keep?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6943545#post6943545 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pledosophy
Sexy shrimp would be a great snack for a seahorse. :) My reidi will eat shrimp twice the size of the biggest sexy shrimp you ever saw, the seahorses will see them as food.
Oh..shows you how much I know about horses. Thanks for the correction. Best to post about stuff I know about huh?;)
pledosophy, you didn't believe me?? LOL

yeah if I were you I wouldn't believe me either, but I have the tanks eh??? :)

yeah the naso is a cool fish, but my favorite are the gator pipes, at night the all bunch up together.

feeding that many shrimp is no big deal, I dump them all once a week and they hunt all week long

glad you like the pics

wow-so heres the question of the century for ya Jose...

do you have inter-species breeding? or did the horses/pipes all find thier own species?
there has been some....fence jumping on the part of the horses, but to tell you the truth, I can't tell what goes on in there, I got all tiger's ( I like that name better than H. comes LOL)males pregnant, and the girls are not talking LOL

the pipes are keeping to themselfs.

and nobody is messing with the yellow wrasse ROTFLMAO

also the clowns give me babys every month or so, I just can't get the fry, they usually are born at night, and I'm sure they become food :(

I'm trying to get a pair of every species in the tanks, so everybody has a date for valentine's, so far so good, hey should I rename my tanks "the ark"?

oh yeah, is not in the pics, but I also have "the SH/Pipe Nursery", are actually...lets see...1 20ga tank of live phyto, 1 10ga BB, 1 10ga rotifers, 3 10ga baby horse/pipe w/ 2 inner tanks w/krill like rotation, 2 15ga grow out tanks.....ahhhhh and the dwarf SH tank is 20ga RR w/ a 30ga sump

and my wife hasn't kill me yet :)

so, have you raised out any babies?
if not, you should watch thier characteristics, to see if they have been interbreeding. ie: if the tigertails have babies, you know that they are at least half tiger tail... watch them for other characteristics from the others: no stripes on tail, different coronets... different hitching styles from birth, etc.
Do people mix-breed seahorses, and does the outcome usually yeild a healthy sh or a unhealthy seahorse?

has anyone ever mixed a Kuda with an Erectus? What was the outcome?
not really-I know of few people that have been sucessful cross-breeding, and never erectus/kuda...

and noone knows if the fry is viable. its usually an accident
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6942014#post6942014 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by waterfaller1
What about a bunch of sexy shrimp? They stay small..stay out and perch on stuff,and don't bother anyone.

Hello. I have 3 seahorses, 1 pipefish, 1 jawfish, and 2 sexy shrimp in one tank. My horses i would guess are about 5 inches. I dont know if they are redi or kudas. When i tried to get an ID i was told both names. I was then told to count the lines on the back fin. I find this impossible. Anyways, my sexy shrimps hang out on the blueberry gorgonia and the horses never bother them.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6936881#post6936881 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by seamonkey2
I have been really lucky, I got 11 alligator pipes, 2 small banded, 2 regular banded, 2 african blue stripe, 2 janes, 3 dwarf pipes, 2 gulf pipes, 24 SH of 5 different kinds, 2 star sand sifters, 1 walking bat, 1 yellow wrasse, 200 pounds of LR, bunch of different sea grass, and others thinks, I run a 5 foot tall skimmer, Ca reactor, a ozone reactor and other gadgets, in a 215ga tank and 55ga sump

everybody gets along fine, I get babys every other month(I got about 60 now from the newest birth, to include 20 baby dwarf pipes)

very lucky indeed


that is one of the most beautiful tanks that i have ever seen
thats absolutely amazing
My alligator pipes ate frozen on the first day. I work at the LFS where I got them and they ate there on the 1st day too. Seems like those are the easiest to keep...for us anyway. The banded usually eat frozen after a week or so, but they do it in secrecy. The one we have now, after 3 weeks, will finally eat when I'm standing there.

BTW my 2 pipes are in with 2 H. reidi. No problems so far but I was watching the pipes for a month or so at the shop so that could definitely make a difference.