<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6936881#post6936881 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by seamonkey2
I have been really lucky, I got 11 alligator pipes, 2 small banded, 2 regular banded, 2 african blue stripe, 2 janes, 3 dwarf pipes, 2 gulf pipes, 24 SH of 5 different kinds, 2 star sand sifters, 1 walking bat, 1 yellow wrasse, 200 pounds of LR, bunch of different sea grass, and others thinks, I run a 5 foot tall skimmer, Ca reactor, a ozone reactor and other gadgets, in a 215ga tank and 55ga sump
everybody gets along fine, I get babys every other month(I got about 60 now from the newest birth, to include 20 baby dwarf pipes)
very lucky indeed