Pizza Night April 18th! Mama's Pride's Pat Liston Live!

The t-shirts will be there! :) We had extra ones made, so if you didn't get an opportunity to order one at the frag swap you can get one at PN. Just look for Smack, or the redhead chronically rolling her eyes at Smack. :rolleye1:
Well the storms are supposed to be over by then,but there are alot of ditches and no shoulders over there..
Velko is going to provide refreshments, raffle some gift certificates for SLASH Members, and provide a 25% discount on all purchases made tomorrow night! :thumbsup:
Wonder how's the drive and traffic going to be in the storm today to the PN
Just drove back home from work, usually takes 12 min today took 50 minutes!!!!
It looks like the storms will be long gone by the time we head to Aquatic Treasures. If anyone can't make it to A.T. But want's to join us at E.L. Flanagan's the address is 2635 Plaza Dr. Highland, IL 62249. Hope everyone can make it!!!
We've got the Blues Game and the Cardinals Game on tonight and PLENTY of COLD BEER!!! The rain is trying to move out and should be gone by 6P.M. I'll see you all at Aquatic Treasures.
I called Mike Prater and told him we were all going to be at Flanagan's tonight and he is going to try to stop by and visit.
Had a great time hanging out and eating/drinking at Steve's place:thumbsup: Awesome company too!
Had a great time tonight. Big thanks to Velko for the prizes, discounts and drinks! Tanks are looking great Steve, watch out for that giant serpent star though, he looks like a fish eater, or he might just pull YOU in and eat you if he gets hungry enough. :lol:
Had a great time tonight. Big thanks to Velko for the prizes, discounts and drinks! Tanks are looking great Steve, watch out for that giant serpent star though, he looks like a fish eater, or he might just pull YOU in and eat you if he gets hungry enough. :lol:

Well said, Velko is always a most generous host and never fails to impress me with his support of this club:thumbsup:

Steve, really enjoyed the mature character of both of your tanks. Truly beautiful to see in person and my offer stands if you ever want to get rid of that monstrosity of a serpent star:D