Planning Fish - 325 gallon


New member
OK, early, still months out, but bored at work today.

Which fish should I have in a 325 gallon Fish Only? And How Many?

I like the following:

Niger Triggerfish
Picaso Triggerfish
Purple Tang
Yellow Tang
Puffer (not sure which one)
Regal Angelfish
Copperback Butterflyfish
One Spot Foxface

Why FOWLER? Those fish would be OK with anemones, softies and many LPS.

I would consider a goatfish if you are going with substrate to help turn it over ...

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Why FOWLER? Those fish would be OK with anemones, softies and many LPS.

I would consider a goatfish if you are going with substrate to help turn it over ...

Sent from my LG-V522 using Tapatalk

I have 2 tanks, a 290 gallon peninsula upstairs that will be a reef. Just figures I would have the one in the basement that have fish that are not completely reef safe.