That sounds like an all in one system (AIO), that's great! I think AIOs are perfect because you don't have to deal a sump and all that plumbing.
There is even an RC thread about these tanks
LEDs can cost more up front but use WAY less electricity and last for years. Your next best bet would be T5s, which use more electricity and you have to replace the bulbs every 6-12 months. People also use halides, which are very powerful, and I think most people are moving to LEDs these days. Of course there are as many opinions about lights as there is sand on a beach!
Lights are not cheap, but with an anemone you will need decent ones. I'm not sure of the dimensions of your tank, but common lights that seem to be good are Kessils, Hydras, name a few. There are also the "cheap Chinese lights from ebay" that I see mentioned but I have no experience with. I have a softy tank so I have a Fluval Sea light, cost about $130 or so. I would go better than that if you want to keep nems.
I have completely forgotten if bubble tips host clowns; I think they do! Some nems do and some don't. I think it's the condys that don't host clowns. But I am no expert on that.
There is even an RC thread about these tanks
LEDs can cost more up front but use WAY less electricity and last for years. Your next best bet would be T5s, which use more electricity and you have to replace the bulbs every 6-12 months. People also use halides, which are very powerful, and I think most people are moving to LEDs these days. Of course there are as many opinions about lights as there is sand on a beach!
Lights are not cheap, but with an anemone you will need decent ones. I'm not sure of the dimensions of your tank, but common lights that seem to be good are Kessils, Hydras, name a few. There are also the "cheap Chinese lights from ebay" that I see mentioned but I have no experience with. I have a softy tank so I have a Fluval Sea light, cost about $130 or so. I would go better than that if you want to keep nems.
I have completely forgotten if bubble tips host clowns; I think they do! Some nems do and some don't. I think it's the condys that don't host clowns. But I am no expert on that.