Plans for DIY re-circ skimmer?

im not sure of how it works though i get the idea that the pumps at the bottom recirculate the water and bubbles in the chamber but what are the pipes on the sides and where does the water enter and exit and is there another cylinder inside the housing?
Thats not strips . It started as a sheet of 1/4" cast acrylic. It was heated ,and bent into a hex. There is only seem on the body. My friend has Pics on his web site showing how he did it. Go to club forums here on RC,then go to the ANCHOR forum ,and look for StevenM ,it's on his web site. I don't know how to link it to this thread,or I would. Ted
there are many ways to build a skimmer. but you need to post the size tank you will be putting this skimmer on. the design needs to fit the tanks bio load. i could recomend a skimmer and it would be way too big or way too small for your system. :D
i would recomend a 10-12" skimmer body thats 24-30" tall in the main chamber with at least 2 pumps that put out 20 cf each an hour. you need aminimum of 1 cfh per 20 gallons. and if you plan to over skim the tank then you need to cut that ration in half. so 1 cfh per 10 gallons of system water. i asume this will be a full reef tank. so i would go with the 10g per cfh. if you do a seark under my screen name you will find alot of different designs to work off of. if you have any questions just ask away.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7021312#post7021312 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by radone
what is cf or cfh?

cubic foot per hour of air. thats the volume of air you will need to inject into the skimmer per hour in real fine bubbles.
What if instead of two pumps you used three? Would that matter as long as your pulling in the required air right?

Could you use say a Dart instead? LOL :D
this is what i have so far am i missing something?

Hey Spazz, I am thinking about making a DIY skimmer for a 30g. Could you PM me a couple of pointers if you get the time?

Sorry for being off topic.
