Please help me decide how to dose calcium/alk regularly by hand


New member
I have been adding Kent Turbo calcium weekly to my 144G mixed reef along with Kent Alk/PH buffer. But I have found that I have to add like 10 TSP per week of turbo calcium every week....and through the week I'm sure the calcium level declines slowly then boosts up on supplement day?? IS there a better product to use in liquid form so it would be easier or am I screwed without a CA reactor??

I measure all levels every Monday and calcium level is always down to 380-400 from 450 when dosed. Also my alk has been rather low as of late so I havw had to dose the buffer weekly as well.
Stability is the key - either dose daily or get a kalk (or Ca+ reactor) to keep things in check. I dose kalk 24/7 and add Randy's two part daily to keep mine in balance.

Also, check your Mg levels - if they are low, your Ca+ will drop fast...
Randy's product or a 2-part solution [get in largest sizes, up to 4gal jugs around here].

But I would dose daily, or better yet with some drip/doser setup continually.

You could probably do as you have been, but dose the equivalent amount daily.
kinda funny i dose with the same exact stuff kent turbo cal
and pro buffer
i dose dailey though becuase my calcium will drop from 450 to 400 in a day
everything seems to be staying stable until i can afford a calc reactor
2 tablespoons of turbo calcium
3 caps of buffer every 1 to 2 days
the only other thing i have been adding is magnesium once a week 4 caps of the kent teck- m
Saltman, I would also reccomend Randy's homemade 2 part supplement. It is very easy to mix up and so much cheaper as well compared to the commercial products. I personally use Randy's 2 part and use Prestone driveway heat as the calcium chloride part. I can get a HUGE jug of the Prestone product for $7.00 that lasts a long long long time. A very small container of Kents turbo calcium costs about $15.00 at the LFS and lasts no time. Give it a try and I think you will be pleased.