please help sanding acrylic ?


broke but happy
i have done it before but using manual sanding on my old 225 cube which is easy because of a big access hole . now i need a suggestion for a good power tools to sand and polished my 300 with limited opening (8x2x30 high) . i will take a vacation from work to do it this fall. including re landscaping the whole tank by drilling all the live rock to connect everything so no rock can be knock down.i also removing the cabinet and and put it back in 24 hours or so. please let me know all the power tools needed including sander and polisher. thank you
hey bud I just finished sanding my 300 gallon tank. It is 30 wide 24 tall and 8ft wide. I used the blue kit with the small 2x3 block made by pentair i think??? I did it all by hand with about 40 hours total work i think.
I went to our local acrylic manufacturer, they fix their acrylic with a drill with a buffing wheel and jewlers rouge... They refused my project cause they said it would over heat the acrylic and discolor/warp it. They make a living at it so I believed them.
I think if you want quality results get the kit I got but I have some time saving tips I learned the hard way:

-fill the tank with water put the lights you are gonna use on it,
use a grease pencil to mark the visible scratches only (i did ALL the scratches on the side panels, after it was filled i couldnt tell a diffrence from the front panel where I only did the visible scratches)
-start with only the grit you need to take out the particular scratch (some scratches I only needed to start on the 4000 grit to take it out)
-Do the work in a dim work area and get a flashlight (i prefered an LED flashlight cause it was long lasting, bright, and slightly blue which helped in seeing the scrathes.
-hold the light on the outside, look from inside, hold the flashlight at diffrent angles to light up the scratches, hold the light about 4 inches away from the front
-if you are careful you CAN use your fingers behind the paper
-after you do a certain grit go back over lightly to knock the top off the new grooves you made (you are making mini mountains horizontally and vertically as you go)
-wet sand with a bowl of water and rinse the sand paper often, also use a small rag to flush/wash the area so you can see your progress.
-pad your body with towels to ease the bruising
-buy "Advil", you are gonna need it.
Good luck
oh and one last thing, i noticed NO diffrence (once it was filled)between the side that I did 6000 grit and the 12000 grit so save yourself the hassle and stop at the 6k
You could talk to a local autobody shop and see how much they would charge to sand and buff it. I work at an autobody shop and I have the tools I could sand and buff a tank pretty quickly. Orbital sander and a buffer are the only way to go, I could not imagine doing this by hand LOL.
i need a orbital sander or polisher there is no way i could do this by hand again . please recommend a good polisher and novus acrylic scratch remover
Mine is a 300 gallon 96 X 24 X 30. I bought the everclear kit and worked mine by hand also. Can imagine putting a power tool on my acrylic tank. Took about 7 days buffing evenings after work. Wouldn't do it any other way.