Included ballast, cords, mogul socket, reflector and bulb! I do have actinics, but if you went with 14 or 20 K you probably could do without actinics. I have 2 x 400 watt 10 K and 2x 175w 10K. 2 40 watt actinics. If you went with 14K or 20K you would only need the actinics to simulate dawn dusk, which is not a necessity.
Thanks for positive comments. Sorry for the poor image quality, by the time I reduced the file size to fit on RC it lost the clarity. The white thing is one of the new rocks which projects out as an over-hang. There is a cave bellow it which as of this evening my torch coral is sitting in. That rock was once some sort of SPS, possibly a species of pocillopora. That's why you were fooled into thinking it was a live coral rather than rock. I thinks it's great that you are able to still able to maintain the hobby deep in the interior of the country. Don't want to rub it in, but there are advantages (few) to living in LA area, including access to many reef hobby resources. We all want these tanks looking perfect right away, but if you belong in this hobby, you have to be patient and caring for your corals. With time they will reward you with growth and you will find corals that suit your needs with time.
When I first got into this hobby, there were only a few elites even keeping SPS. Corals were only wild collected and rarely SPS available, let alone hardy enough for our systems at that time. Now as our knowledge, skill, and equipment continues to improve, we are seeing aquacultured specimens, frag swapping, and people even trying to trademark corals. What this means is sites like this which will give you the knowledge to keep more species and availability to more and more people to previously unavailable specimens. In the US, 15 years ago acropora were mainly kept by people like Sprung and Tyree with variable success that they learned from Dutch and German hobbyists as well as trial and error.
Sorry for the reef keeping history lesson, but what I'm trying to tell you is this. 1) The fact that you even have a reef tank is impressive. 2) You will continue to have increasing availability to get better equipment and more variety of corals. 3) you will likely find someone near you within the next year who has a reef tank.
I only found RC last year despite my 20+ years of reef keeping. I actually thought I was only among a handfull of people in California keeping corals successfully. Boy was my ego completely wrong in every account. This hobby has rocketed past me in the last 10 years and I didn't even know it!
Again sorry for the ranting, but it really is interesting to me how this hobby has spread. [/QUOTE Never be sorry for giving info and educating, I have learned so very much just reading RC, I have yet to find anyone that has not been anything but wonderful, I have been in the salt tanks for many years but not the reef, I have learned to be humbled by the difference between FO and the reef. I love it soooooo much. I just wish I had upgraded the equiptment first. Everything is doing great. but I know that I have to soon, upgrade the lights and definatly uprade the the protein skimmer, we do our show this comming Fri.,Sat., and Sun. I hope to make enough extra,to get my G3. I think that has to be the priority at this point. I did get my new over flow, a couple of weeks ago. I havent put it on yet, but I will when I get the skimmer. I am not however having alot of luck with the macro algae, I need to order more . I thought it would grow alot better than it did, it isn't, I may need a brighter light for it too. I just hate that I was so stupid going into this the way I did. I thought with all the succuss I had with raising sea horses and all the fish, anenomies and tube worms, that I knew what I was doing! Whoops! was I wrong, dont get me wrong, I am not having any bad luck, but I know the difference in surviving and thriving. and I want them to thrive. I am also afraid to go either too much or too little light, and I dont want to bleach out what I have at all. But I would love to do the acropora. I will listen to you all and learn as I go. And want to thank you for all the time you have spent here, and sharing all that you have, You guys are truly great people. I just wanted to let you all know how much you help. :rollface: :rollface: