Plumbing for a 210g DT with 80g sump (pictures)


New member
This is my first SW tank and I have no idea about how to plumb it.:spin2:

The tank is an Aqueon drilled 210 and the stand is Aqueon classic mission.

I know the pictures are huge. Just click them to resize them.

The sump is an 80g custom with refugium.

The pump is a reeflo dart:
ReeFlo External Water Pump - Dart (3600GPH)

Protein skimmer is a vertex IN-280:

Here's some pictures of the set up:

The sump.

Should I have a T valve that flows water into the refugium area?

Any suggestions on how to plumb the tank would be great!

I just want to get it cycling and post pictures of it up and running!

My personal preference for a system like yours is to have both drains going to the skimmer section. The water coming out of the tank will have particulates that the skimmer is best able to remove. From the return pump, tee off a line to supply the refugium so that the majority of the large particles are already removed and only the disolved compounds the skimmer can't remove go to the refugium. The algae in the refugium will absorb and use the nutrients the skimmer is unable to remove. This approach minimizes the amount of large particles that get into the refugium and decay. When you do a water change, suck the settled crud out of the skimmer section for best effect. I use a small fountain type pump which has an inlet on the bottom to get as much of the settled stuff out of the sump.

SO, to recap: 1) Both drain lines run to the skimmer section, 2) Tee off the return pump to supply the refugium, and 3) make sure you have gate/ball valves between the return pump and the refugium and tank outlets to adjust the flow.

Hope that helps.
