PO4 Phosphate Test Kit Shoot out: NYOS Elos Pro Salifert Hanna Checkers Seachem

Glad it helped. I haven't used any of the other checkers yet besides the 713 and 736. I've seen many have issues with the Alk Checker.
PO4 Phosphate Test Kit Shoot out: NYOS Elos Pro Salifert Hanna Checkers Seachem

I got the Seachem Phosphate test kit today. It was really hard to tell where I was on the card, but I'm guessing .07 mg/L. Is anything under .03 mg/L considered good? Also, when you fill up the bobber do you go up to the bottom of the bulb? It seemed a little dark like maybe I didn't use enough water.
I got the Seachem Phosphate test kit today. It was really hard to tell where I was on the card, but I'm guessing .07 mg/L. Is anything under .03 mg/L considered good? Also, when you fill up the bobber do you go up to the bottom of the bulb? It seemed a little dark like maybe I didn't use enough water.
.03 is the recommended target. I do well with anything under .09. If I remember right you do not want to fill it completely up. Just to the base of the bulb.

Phosphate - Seachem instructions

Fill it up right to the base where that finger is pointing.
Years back the club did a group buy on the Milwaukee Martini Phosphate low range meter
M 412.
Not cheap but I also had problems with the Salifert kits.
Hannah has a unit but the opening on the vials is small & harder to work with.
I get a digital readout, refill packets are about $20 for 100.
A Happy Camper!
Years back the club did a group buy on the Milwaukee Martini Phosphate low range meter
M 412.
Not cheap but I also had problems with the Salifert kits.
Hannah has a unit but the opening on the vials is small & harder to work with.
I get a digital readout, refill packets are about $20 for 100.
A Happy Camper!

Yep, that should be a good unit. Hanna and Milwaukee have rebranded products. That M412 is the Hanna HI96713 (713). I believe TMZ has used it for years with good success as well. The Milwaukee units of the same types are usually a little cheaper but not always.
My friend has the Milwaukee unit and he loves it......he's had it for about 2 years. He bought it after having the usual frustrations everyone had with the Hanna eggs.

I had the old large Hannah unit but sold it. I never had a single problem with it.
I have Hanna Calcium, Phosphate and Alk test kit that I have been using and I have invested in exact iDip and bought apps for Calcium, Nitrate, Phosphate, Total Hardness High and Low and Mag is calculated automatically. I have been struggling with exact iDip tests and I have been on phone with them number of times and I have been running tests with new test kits with tap water and numbers are not adding up at all. Even running tests with tap water one after another readings are way off. I have sent results to them via email form Hanna and exact iDip and waiting to hear back form them. I ran test again today and reading is as below. Calcium limit is 19 - 550 with iDip and THH 60-900

Hanna Exact iDip

PH4 - 0.11 Low
Calcium - 499 HI
Alk ------212 157
Total Hardness - don't have kit HI
Nitrate - dont have kit-- 3.75
I've seen references to the Exact iDip meter, but I don't think it's by Hanna, so I'm not completely sure what you're using. Is ITS actually part of Hanna Instruments?
I think he's comparing the two. With the Hanna results on the left and iDip on the right.

I've been hopeful and watching the progress of the exact iDip. They are not ready for prime time yet however.
Not sure about that, but I bought Exact iDip meter so that I can test multiple tests with 1 instrument.. but so far I am not impressed with results
Okay, I didn't think that iDip was made by Hanna. I was wondering whether you were using one of Hanna's multi-parameter kits, but the iDip is made by a different company.
They (exact iDip) don't quite hit the ranges we need in a few tests and the ones they do many people have reported very inconsistent results so far. But they have been in the water testing industry for a while and I'm looking forward to them getting it right.
Have you done 5 tests in a row of the same water with the checker?
I have done numerous in a row a few times but don't recall off the top of my head how many in a row. At least 3. I do recall them being consistent with in their accuracy range.

I'd have to look back in my logs.