Pocilopora problem


New member
Hello, today when i woke up my frag of pocilopora damicromis was a little bit White on the top, it seems that it was been attacked by Something.. Every other sps frags and LPS even softies are ok. I ve this frag for 2 months in my nano.



i ve got 2 ocelaris, one pseudochromis fridmani, one stenopus hispidus, and one peppermint shrimp ( lysmata wundermanni ).
thanks a lot
They kind of do this. It may be flow, it may be growth. I have one that looks just like that, and I kind of think it's growing.
thanks for tour opinions.. it seems that it has lost the tissue that's why i was saying it was being attacked...
a little off topic, but have you had problems with your poci spawning/poppin up in different parts of you tank (causing problems) ?
hello Sparks, until now no.. and i have one more frag!
i ve heard some issues about that.. but in my tank i never saw nothing!
whenever I move my pocci's and styo's if I touch the poylped part with my hands it sometimes kills the tissue exposing skeleton on the tips...quickly grows back...
